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How to safe online E-Safety Presentation How to stay safe when online

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Presentation on theme: "How to safe online E-Safety Presentation How to stay safe when online"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to safe online E-Safety Presentation How to stay safe when online
By Mr Nicholls Tip 1 Tip 2

2 Tip:1 Never give out personal information such as your phone number.
The problem with giving out addresses and phone numbers is, you may get unwanted text or s. You could even get people turning up to your house. Title Page Tip 2

3 Tip2: Always tell your parents before you go online.
If you tell your parents that you are online they can check on you to make sure you are safe. Your parents could even help you to make sure that you are chatting to nice people. Title Page Tip 1

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