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CSCE 715: Network Systems Security
Chin-Tser Huang University of South Carolina
Message Authentication
Message authentication is concerned with protecting the integrity of a message validating identity of originator non-repudiation of origin (dispute resolution) Three alternative functions to provide message authentication message encryption message authentication code (MAC) hash function 9/21/2006
Providing Msg Authentication by Symmetric Encryption
Receiver knows sender must have created it because only sender and receiver know secret key Can verify integrity of content if message has suitable structure, redundancy or a checksum to detect any modification 9/21/2006
Providing Msg Authentication by Asymmetric Encryption
Encryption provides no confidence of sender because anyone potentially knows public key However if sender encrypts with receiver’s public key and then signs using its private key, we have both confidentiality and authentication Again need to recognize corrupted messages But at cost of two public-key uses on message 9/21/2006
Providing Msg Authentication by Asymmetric Encryption
Message Authentication Code (MAC)
Generated by an algorithm that creates a small fixed-sized block depending on both message and some key like encryption though need not to be reversible Appended to message as a signature Receiver performs same computation on message and checks if it matches the MAC Provide assurance that message is unaltered and comes from claimed sender 9/21/2006
Uses of MAC 9/21/2006
MAC Properties Cryptographic checksum Many-to-one function MAC = CK(M)
condenses a variable-length message M using a secret key K to a fixed-sized authenticator Many-to-one function potentially many messages have same MAC make sure finding collisions is very difficult 9/21/2006
Requirements for MACs Should take into account the types of attacks
Need the MAC to satisfy the following: knowing a message and MAC, it is infeasible to find another message with same MAC MACs should be uniformly distributed MAC should depend equally on all bits of the message 9/21/2006
Using Symmetric Ciphers for MAC
Can use any block cipher chaining mode and use final block as a MAC Data Authentication Algorithm (DAA) is a widely used MAC based on DES-CBC using IV=0 and zero-pad of final block encrypt message using DES in CBC mode and send just the final block as the MAC or the leftmost M bits (16≤M≤64) of final block But final MAC is now too small for security 9/21/2006
Hash Functions Condense arbitrary message to fixed size
Usually assume that the hash function is public and not keyed Hash value is used to detect changes to message Can use in various ways with message Most often to create a digital signature 9/21/2006
Uses of Hash Functions 9/21/2006
Uses of Hash Functions 9/21/2006
Hash Function Properties
Hash function produces a fingerprint of some file/message/data h = H(M) condenses a variable-length message M to a fixed-sized fingerprint Assumed to be public 9/21/2006
Requirements for Hash Functions
can be applied to any sized message M produce fixed-length output h easy to compute h=H(M) for any message M one-way property: given h is infeasible to find x s.t. H(x)=h weak collision resistance: given x, is infeasible to find y s.t. H(y)=H(x) strong collision resistance: infeasible to find any x,y s.t. H(y)=H(x) 9/21/2006
Simple Hash Functions Several proposals for simple functions
Based on XOR of message blocks Not secure since can manipulate any message and either not change hash or change hash also Need a stronger cryptographic function 9/21/2006
Block Ciphers as Hash Functions
Can use block ciphers as hash functions use H0=0 and zero-pad of final block compute Hi = EMi [Hi-1] use final block as the hash value similar to CBC but without a key Resulting hash is too small (64-bit) both due to direct birthday attack and to “meet-in-the-middle” attack Other variants also susceptible to attack 9/21/2006
Birthday Attacks Might think a 64-bit hash is secure
However by Birthday Paradox is not Birthday attack works as follows given hash code length is m, adversary generates 2m/2 variations of a valid message all with essentially the same meaning adversary also generates 2m/2 variations of a desired fraudulent message two sets of messages are compared to find pair with same hash (probability > 0.5 by birthday paradox) have user sign the valid message, then substitute the forgery which will have a valid signature If 64-bit hash code is used, level of attack effort is only on the order of 232 9/21/2006
Hash Algorithm Structure
Most important modern hash functions follow the basic structure shown in this figure, Stallings Figure This has proved to be a fundamentally sound structure, and newer designs simply refine the structure and add to the hash code length. Within this basic structure, two approaches have been followed in the design of the compression function, as mentioned previously, which is the basic building block of the hash function. 9/21/2006
MD5 Designed by Ronald Rivest (the R in RSA)
Latest in a series of MD2, MD4 Produce a hash value of 128 bits (16 bytes) Was the most widely used hash algorithm in recent times have both brute-force and cryptanalytic concerns Specified as Internet standard RFC1321 9/21/2006
Security of MD5 MD5 hash is dependent on all message bits
Rivest claims security is good as can be However known attacks include Berson in 1992 attacked any 1 round using differential cryptanalysis (but can’t extend) Boer & Bosselaers in 1993 found a pseudo collision (again unable to extend) Dobbertin in 1996 created collisions on MD compression function (but initial constants prevent exploit) Wang et al announced cracking MD5 on Aug 17, 2004 (paper available on Useful Links) Thus MD5 has become vulnerable 9/21/2006
Secure Hash Algorithm SHA originally designed by NIST & NSA in 1993
Was revised in 1995 as SHA-1 US standard for use with DSA signature scheme standard is FIPS , also Internet RFC3174 Based on design of MD4 with key differences Produces 160-bit hash values Recent 2005 results (Wang et al) on security of SHA-1 have raised concerns on its use in future applications The Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) was developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and published as a federal information processing standard (FIPS 180) in 1993; a revised version was issued as FIPS in 1995 and is generally referred to as SHA-1. The actual standards document is entitled Secure Hash Standard. SHA is based on the hash function MD4 and its design closely models MD4. SHA-1 produces a hash value of 160 bits. In 2005, a research team described an attack in which two separate messages could be found that deliver the same SHA-1 hash using 2^69 operations, far fewer than the 2^80 operations previously thought needed to find a collision with an SHA-1 hash [WANG05]. This result should hasten the transition to newer, longer versions of SHA. 9/21/2006
Revised Secure Hash Standard
NIST issued revision FIPS in 2002 Adds 3 additional versions of SHA SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 Designed for compatibility with increased security provided by the AES cipher Structure and detail similar to SHA-1 Hence analysis should be similar But security levels are rather higher In 2002, NIST produced a revised version of the standard, FIPS 180-2, that defined three new versions of SHA, with hash value lengths of 256, 384, and 512 bits, known as SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512. These new versions have the same underlying structure and use the same types of modular arithmetic and logical binary operations as SHA-1, hence analyses should be similar. In 2005, NIST announced the intention to phase out approval of SHA-1 and move to a reliance on the other SHA versions by See Stallings Table12.1 for comparative details of these algorithms. 9/21/2006
SHA-512 Overview pad message so its length is 896 mod 1024
padding length between 1 and 1024 append a 128-bit length value to message initialize 8 64-bit registers (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) process message in 1024-bit blocks: expand bit words into 80 words by mixing & shifting 80 rounds of operations on message block & buffer add output to input to form new buffer value output hash value is the final buffer value 9/21/2006
SHA-512 Overview Now examine the structure of SHA-512, noting that the other versions are quite similar. SHA-512 follows the structure depicted in Stallings Figure The processing consists of the following steps: • Step 1: Append padding bits • Step 2: Append length • Step 3: Initialize hash buffer • Step 4: Process the message in 1024-bit (128-word) blocks, which forms the heart of the algorithm • Step 5: Output the final state value as the resulting hash See text for details. 9/21/2006
SHA-512 Compression Function
Heart of the algorithm Processing message in 1024-bit blocks Consists of 80 rounds updating a 512-bit buffer using a 64-bit value Wt derived from the current message block and a round constant based on cube root of first 80 prime numbers The SHA-512 Compression Function is the heart of the algorithm. In this Step 4, it processes the message in 1024-bit (128-word) blocks, using a module that consists of 80 rounds, labeled F in Stallings Figure 12, as shown in Figure Each round takes as input the 512-bit buffer value, and updates the contents of the buffer. Each round t makes use of a 64-bit value Wt derived using a message schedule from the current 1024-bit block being processed. Each round also makes use of an additive constant Kt, based on the fractional parts of the cube roots of the first eighty prime numbers. The output of the eightieth round is added to the input to the first round to produce the final hash value for this message block, which forms the input to the next iteration of this compression function, as shown on the previous slide. 9/21/2006
SHA-512 Round Function The structure of each of the 80 rounds is shown in Stallings Figure Each 64-bit word shuffled along one place, and in some cases manipulated using a series of simple logical functions (ANDs, NOTs, ORs, XORs, ROTates), in order to provide the avalanche & completeness properties of the hash function. The elements are: Ch(e,f,g) = (e AND f) XOR (NOT e AND g) Maj(a,b,c) = (a AND b) XOR (a AND c) XOR (b AND c) ∑(a) = ROTR(a,28) XOR ROTR(a,34) XOR ROTR(a,39) ∑(e) = ROTR(e,14) XOR ROTR(e,18) XOR ROTR(e,41) + = addition modulo 2^64 Kt = a 64-bit additive constant Wt = a 64-bit word derived from the current 512-bit input block. 9/21/2006
SHA-512 Round Function Stallings Figure 12.4 details how the 64-bit word values Wt are derived from the 1024-bit message. The first 16 values of Wt are taken directly from the 16 words of the current block. The remaining values are defined as a function of the earlier values using ROTates, SHIFTs and XORs as shown. The function elements are: ∂0(x) = ROTR(x,1) XOR ROTR(x,8) XOR SHR(x,7) ∂1(x) = ROTR(x,19) XOR ROTR(x,61) XOR SHR(x,6). 9/21/2006
Whirlpool Endorsed by European NESSIE project
Uses modified AES internals as compression function Addressing concerns on use of block ciphers seen previously With performance comparable to dedicated algorithms like SHA Next examine the hash function Whirlpool [BARR03]. Whirlpool is one of only two hash functions endorsed by the NESSIE (New European Schemes for Signatures, Integrity, and Encryption) project, a European Union–sponsored effort to put forward a portfolio of strong cryptographic primitives of various types. Whirlpool is based on the use of a modified AES block cipher as the compression function, and is intended to provide security and performance that is comparable, if not better, than that found in non block-cipher based hash functions, such as the MD or SHA families. 9/21/2006
Whirlpool Overview Stallings Figure 12.6 shows an overview of Whirlpool, which takes as input a message with a maximum length of less than 2^256 bits and produces as output a 512-bit message digest. The input is processed in 512-bit blocks. The processing consists of the following steps: • Step 1: Append padding bits • Step 2: Append length • Step 3: Initialize hash matrix • Step 4: Process message in 512-bit (64-byte) blocks, using as its core, the block cipher W. 9/21/2006
Whirlpool Block Cipher W
Designed specifically for hash function use With security and efficiency of AES But with 512-bit block size and hence hash Similar structure & functions as AES but input is mapped row wise has 10 rounds a different primitive polynomial for GF(2^8) uses different S-box design & values Unlike virtually all other proposals for a block-cipher-based hash function, Whirlpool uses a block cipher that is specifically designed for use in the hash function and that is unlikely ever to be used as a standalone encryption function. The reason for this is that the designers wanted to make use of an block cipher with the security and efficiency of AES but with a hash length that provided a potential security equal to SHA-512. The result is the block cipher W, which has a similar structure and uses the same elementary functions as AES, but which uses a block size and a key size of 512 bits. See Stallings Table12.2 which compares AES and W. 9/21/2006
Whirlpool Block Cipher W
Stallings Figure 12.7 shows the structure of Block Cipher W. The encryption algorithm takes a 512-bit block of plaintext as input and a 512-bit key and produces a 512-bit block of ciphertext as output. The encryption algorithm involves the use of four different functions, or transformations: add key (AK), substitute bytes (SB), shift columns (SC), and mix rows (MR). Note that the input is mapped by rows (unlike AES which is mapped by column). Hence the use of “Mix Rows” as the diffusion layer; and “Shift Columns” as the permutation (vs Mix Columns & Shift Rows in AES). Note also that the Key Schedule uses the same W round function, but with round constants RC[I] (being S-box outputs) taking the role of “subkeys” in the AddKey function. 9/21/2006
Whirlpool Performance & Security
Whirlpool is a very new proposal Hence little experience with use But many AES findings should apply Does seem to need more h/w than SHA, but with better resulting performance in terms of throughput Whirlpool is a very new proposal, hence there is little experience with use, though many AES findings should apply to it. As yet, there has been little implementation experience with Whirlpool. One study [KITS04] compared Whirlpool with a number of other secure hash functions. The authors developed multiple hardware implementations of each hash function and concluded that, compared to SHA-512, Whirlpool requires more hardware resources but performs much better in terms of throughput. 9/21/2006
Security of Hash Functions and MAC
Brute-force attacks strong collision resistance hash have cost 2m/2 have proposal for hardware MD5 cracker 128-bit hash looks vulnerable, 160-bit better MACs with known message-MAC pairs can either attack keyspace or MAC at least 128-bit MAC is needed for security 9/21/2006
Security of Hash Functions and MAC
Cryptanalytic attacks exploit structure like block ciphers want brute-force attacks to be the best alternative Have a number of analytic attacks on iterated hash functions CVi = f[CVi-1, Mi]; H(M)=CVN typically focus on collisions in function f like block ciphers is often composed of rounds attacks exploit properties of round functions 9/21/2006
Keyed Hash Functions as MACs
Desirable to create a MAC using a hash function rather than a block cipher hash functions are generally faster not limited by export controls on block ciphers Hash includes a key along with the message Original proposal: KeyedHash = Hash(Key|Message) some weaknesses were found with this proposal Eventually led to development of HMAC 9/21/2006
HMAC Specified as Internet standard RFC2104
Use hash function on the message: HMACK = Hash[(K+ XOR opad) || Hash[(K+ XOR ipad)||M)]] K+ is the key padded out to size opad, ipad are specified padding constants Overhead is just 3 more hash compression function calculations than the message alone needs Any of MD5, SHA-1, RIPEMD-160 can be used 9/21/2006
HMAC Structure 9/21/2006
Security of HMAC Security of HMAC relates to that of the underlying hash algorithm Attacking HMAC requires either: brute force attack on key used birthday attack (but since keyed would need to observe a very large number of messages) Choose hash function used based on speed versus security constraints 9/21/2006
Hash and MAC Algorithms
Hash Functions condense arbitrary size message to fixed size by processing message in blocks through some compression function either custom or block cipher based Message Authentication Code (MAC) fixed sized authenticator for some message to provide authentication for message by using block cipher mode or hash function Now look at important examples of both secure hash functions and message authentication codes (MACs). Traditionally, most hash functions that have achieved widespread use rely on a compression function specifically designed for the hash function. Another approach is to use a symmetric block cipher as the compression function. MACs also fall into two categories: some use a hash algorithm such as SHA as the core of the MAC algorithm, others use a symmetric block cipher in a cipher block chaining mode. 9/21/2006
Next Class Replay attacks Timestamps and nonces Anti-replay protocols
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