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BOTR Unit 2 Lesson 12 Challenge.

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Presentation on theme: "BOTR Unit 2 Lesson 12 Challenge."— Presentation transcript:

1 BOTR Unit 2 Lesson 12 Challenge

2 Instructions Each person starts with a piece of paper.
Write you name at the top. Number the paper 1 to 22. One person selects a number for the question. Follow the instructions for passing the paper on. Answer the question. Mark the answer wrong or correct. Next person selects the next question.

3 BOTR Unit 2 Lesson 12 Review
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

4 Pass the paper to the right.
1. The term to describe One God yet Three Persons of God Click for answer Answer: trinity

5 2. The term for without a beginning or an end Click for answer
Pass the paper to the left. 2. The term for without a beginning or an end Click for answer Answer: eternal

6 3. The term that means unchanging Click for answer
Pass the paper to the right 3 people. 3. The term that means unchanging Click for answer Answer: immutable

7 4. The term that means all-powerful Click for answer
Pass the paper to the left 2 times. 4. The term that means all-powerful Click for answer Answer: omnipotent

8 Pass the paper to the person behind you
Pass the paper to the person behind you. (back row take it to the front row. 5. What is a reason that shows that God has personal qualities? Click for answer Answer: thoughts, emotions, choices, perfectly moral

9 Pass the paper to the left.
6. True or False? The Old Testament proclaims God as a Father who is worthy of praise Click for answer Answer: true

10 Pass the paper to the right.
7. While Jesus was on Earth He mostly referred to God as ______. Click for answer Answer: Father

11 Pass the paper to a random person.
8. God created: time-“In the beginning”, space-”the heavens”, and ______, “the earth”. Click for answer Answer: matter

12 Pass the paper to the right.
9. True or False? The Holy Spirit was not involved in people’s lives in the Old Testament. Click for answer Answer: False

13 10. The term for all-knowing is ____. Click for answer
Pass the paper to the left. 10. The term for all-knowing is ____. Click for answer Answer: omniscient

14 Pass the paper to the right twice.
11. The term for God being beyond and above His creation. Click for answer Answer: Transcendent

15 Hold onto the same paper.
12. The term for showing God quality of being all-present. Click for answer Answer: omnipresent

16 Pass the paper back to the person it started with.
13. What is the bible reference for the Great Commission? Click for answer Answer: Matthew 28:19-20

17 Pass the paper to the right.
14. What is next word in this verse? Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, ______... Click for answer Answer: baptizing

18 Pass the paper to the left.
15. What is the next word in this verse? …in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, _________... Click for answer Answer: teaching

19 Pass the paper to the right twice.
16. At the baptism of Jesus, The Father spoke and the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus as a _________. Click for answer Answer: dove

20 Hold onto the same paper.
17. The third Person of the Trinity is the __________. Click for answer Answer: Holy Spirit

21 18. The word trinity means Click for answer
Pass the paper to a random person. 18. The word trinity means Click for answer Answer: 3 unified

22 Pass the paper to the right.
19. Give an example that shows the interconnectivity of the Trinity. Click for answer Answer: water, apple, egg…

23 Pass the paper to the left.
20. What is the next word in this verse? …all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you _________... Click for answer Answer: always

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