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Camden County College Writing Skills III Prof. Ellen Hernandez

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1 Camden County College Writing Skills III Prof. Ellen Hernandez
Midterm Portfolio Camden County College Writing Skills III Prof. Ellen Hernandez

2 Choosing Your Essay Choose the best piece Don’t rely solely on grade
Set aside personal reactions

3 Prepare Selected Essay
Revise/edit selected essay as needed Save “good” copy

4 Write a Cover Letter IN CLASS ONLY Business letter format
Introduce selected essay Reflect on writing process Reflect on essay quality Final thought

5 Cover Letter Sample 949 Main Street
West Harleysville, New Jersey 08000 October 18, 2011 Portfolio Reviewer Camden County College Blackwood, New Jersey 08012 Dear Reviewer: I have enclosed a five-paragraph essay entitled “How to Relax.” Before I wrote the rough draft, I did some prewriting. I revised the essay by adding more details, and I edited it to correct fragments. My writing, which was never very strong, has improved a lot since I started this course. This writing class taught me a lot of skills I can use. For instance, I learned how to correct fragments, proofread for comma errors, and add quotation marks when needed. I am now proud of the writing skills I have mastered, and now my essay is well-developed; I hope you enjoy it. Sincerely, Jane Smith

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