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Introduction The word “conquer” means “to subdue”; from Gr. nikao:

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2 Introduction The word “conquer” means “to subdue”; from Gr. nikao:
“overcome”: 1 Jn. 5:4-5 “prevail”: Rev. 5:5 “victory”: 1 Jn. 5:4 But the text says “we are more than conquerors”: prefix “huper”; “hyper- conquerors…pre-eminently victorious.”

3 Introduction Christians are in a continual battle against sin:
Ephesians 6:10-12 1 Timothy 6:12 Our weapons are from God and our attitude is one of confidence that we can win the fight! Phil. 4:13; Heb. 13:5-6

4 More Than Conquerors Romans 8:31-39

5 Warfare Notice what Paul told Timothy: 1 Tim. 1:18-20
Situational awareness: 1 Pet. 5:8 Constant state of readiness: Matt. 4:1-11; 1 Thess. 5:17; 2 Cor. 13:5 Weapons of our warfare: 2 Cor. 10:3-6; 1 Pet. 5:8-9; Eph. 6:13-18 Final thought: Psa. 121:1-2; Eph. 1:15-20; Psa. 23 More Than Conquerors

6 Overcome Sin Sin is so destructive! Sin wreaks havoc 24/7! Rom. 6:23
Adam & Eve: Gen. 3:24 David: Psa. 32:3-4 Paul: 1 Tim. 1:13 Israel: Num. 14; etc. Sin wreaks havoc 24/7! Rom. 6:23 More Than Conquerors

7 Overcome Sin But we can overcome through Christ: Jn. 16:33; 1 Jn. 4:4
It is our obligation to get the job done: Jas. 1:27; Rom. 12:1-2 Confidence is essential: 2 Tim. 1:12; 1 Jn. 5:4- 5; 1 Jn. 2:13-14 Requires our constant effort: Phil. 2:12 Cannot do it on our own: Phil. 2:12-13; Eph. 1:19; 1 Jn. 5:4; Rom. 10:17 More Than Conquerors

8 The Promises of Our Victory
The Hebrew writer exhorts: Heb. 10:23 Hear wonderful words: Matt. 25:21; 7:23 Crown of life: 2 Tim. 4:7-8 Water of life: Rev. 21:1-7 Reign eternally: Rev. 22:5 Victory In Jesus More Than Conquerors

9 Conclusion To fight the battle without Christ is to fight a losing battle! Without Him we will never be “more than conquerors”: Rom. 8:31-39 The victory is in Jesus! Come to Him now! 2 Cor. 6:2

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