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ENG 213 Phonology Concepts

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Presentation on theme: "ENG 213 Phonology Concepts"— Presentation transcript:

1 ENG 213 Phonology Concepts
ENG 213 Phonology Concepts

2 Phonemic Form/Phonetic Form Distinctive Feature Theory
The phoneme Phonemic Form/Phonetic Form Distinctive Feature Theory SPE vs. Jacobsonian Features Phonemic transcription vs. Phonetic transcription Surface representation vs. Underlying representation Suprasegmentals Separate Phonemes Allophones Complementary Distribution Contrast in Identical and analogous environments

3 Phonological Processes
General rules: Assimilation, Insertion, Deletion Assimilation Degemenation Metathesis Syncope/Ellipsis Palatalisation Aspiration Reduction

4 Epenthesis Apocope (deletion of sound word finally) Aphaeresis (deletion of one/more than one sound word initially) Aphesis (deletion of unstressed sound word initially) Metanalysis Paragoge (insertion of sound/syllable word finally) Prothesis (insertion of sound/syllable word initially) Raising; Lowering Fronting; Backing Laxing

5 “ “ Linear rule ordering CV Tier Phonology Exercises (Worksheet)
Turkish Chuckchee


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