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A Natural Basis for Interoperability
Nick Rossiter, Mike Heather and David Nelson I-ESA’06 Northumbria University, University of Sunderland 06/12/2018
Information Systems Very diverse Usually multilevel
A stand-alone piece of information Is valueless Needs to be typed Needs to be related Needs to be placed in context 06/12/2018
Example of Context This is Herring Gull argenteus (subspecies)
Trinomial – 3-level name is: Larus argentatus argenteus Kingdom: Metazoa ((=Animalia) multicellular animals) Phylum: Chordata (chordates) Class: Aves (birds) Order: Charadriiformes (gulls and shore birds) Family: Laridae (gulls, terns) 06/12/2018
Interoperability An area where context is paramount is
the ability to request and receive services between various systems and use their functionality. More than data exchange. Implies a close integration Various kinds dependent on ambition: E.g. syntactic, semantic, structural and organisational 06/12/2018
Motivation/Problems Linking of Different Systems (Current/legacy)
Homogeneous models Difficult enough Different viewpoints in modelling E.g. library system A fine could be: A relational table A column in a table A value in an income ledger Inconsistent use of modelling features Systems that achieve interoperability in such circumstances are ranked As semantically interoperable 06/12/2018
Motivation/Problems 2 Heterogeneous Models Far more difficult
In addition to different semantic viewpoints Diverse modelling constructions Data structures Objects, relations, records Process Business process, procedures, methods More recent models are semantically richer More scope for variation in style Systems that achieve interoperability in such circumstances are ranked As structurally (or organisationally) interoperable 06/12/2018
Demands for Interoperability
Business needs Data warehousing Web warehousing GRID 06/12/2018
Attempted Solutions RDF (Resource Description Framework)
Triples (uri – e.g. resource/property/statement) From W3C (XML basis) MOF/MDA (Meta Object Facility/Model Driven Architecture) Meta Meta is better-better! Relates classes in different systems From OMG (UML basis but claimed to be extensible) 06/12/2018
Attempted Solutions 2 Ontologies Defines meaning of data
Being Defines meaning of data Like a dictionary But is usually much more Everything is defined in context Multi-level definitions No clear consensus 06/12/2018
Formal Basis For preceding techniques These are partial:
Some set theoretic justifications These are partial: Emphasis on a level Contrived multi-level Above all – lack concept of naturality 06/12/2018
Categories Category Theory Developed from 1940s
Many pure mathematicians Eilenberg, Mac Lane, Kan, Lawvere, Barr, Wells, Johnstone Much improved presentation since 1970s Saunders Mac Lane “Categories for the Working Mathematician” 2nd ed Springer (2000) Barr & Wells “Category Theory for Computing Science” 3rd ed CRM (1999). 06/12/2018
Applied Categories Physics including quantum studies Databases
John Baez Databases Bob Rosebrugh, Michael Johnson, Zinovy Diskin, Lellahi & Spyratos Business process Arthur ter Hofstede Computer program semantics Much work e.g. Cambridge Programs to Support Category Theory OCaml (ENRIA, France) 06/12/2018
Abstract Nonsense One might ask "Why category theory?“
Category theory is known as highly abstract mathematics. Some call it abstract nonsense. It chases abstract arrows and diagrams, proves nothing about those arrows and diagrams, rarely talks about what arrows are for and often concepts go beyond one's imagination. However, when this 'abstract nonsense' works, it is like magic. One may discover a simple theorem actually means very deep things and some concepts beautifully unify and connect things which are unrelated before. [Tatsuya Hagino. A Categorical Programming Language. PhD Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1987] 06/12/2018
The Simplest Category Discrete Category Identity arrows (objects) only
A Not Very Useful Category
6 arrows Not connected Does not conflict with axioms 06/12/2018
Basic Category Illustrates 2 axioms when connections made.
Composition: h = g o f Associativity: r o (q o p) = (r o q) o p Also unit law 06/12/2018
Cartesian Closed Category
Basis of much Computing Science Research in CT C P+P+P Has identity, products, limits, coproducts PxPxP Identity functor 1C: C - C Initial object PxPxP provides handle on category 06/12/2018
Functors Map from one category to another Preserve composition
E.g. F: C D Preserve composition Various kinds Identity (map category to itself) Free (add structure) Underlying/Forgetful (remove structure) Adjoint (two-way relationship) 06/12/2018
Natural Transformations
Map from one functor to another E.g. : F G Functors must be of same variance Source and target categories must be of same type No further levels are needed Comparison of natural transformations is a natural transformation E.g. : An arrow in a category is defined in context as unique up to natural isomorphism 06/12/2018
Informal Requirements for IS Architecture
Concepts MetaMeta Policy Meta Organize Classify Instantiate Constructs Schema Types Named Data Values 06/12/2018 Downward arrows are intension-extension pairs
Formalising the Architecture
Requirements: mappings within levels and across levels bidirectional mappings closure at top level open-ended logic relationships (product and coproduct) Choice: Category theory as used in mathematics as a workspace for relating different constructions 06/12/2018
Figure 2: Interpretation of Levels as Natural Schema in General
blue – category, red - functor, green - natural transformation Figure 2: Interpretation of Levels as Natural Schema in General Terms 06/12/2018
Figure 3: Example for Comparison of Mappings in two Systems
(Organisational interoperability) Figure 3: Example for Comparison of Mappings in two Systems Categories: CPT concepts, CST constructs, SCH schema, DAT data, Functors: P policy, O org, I instance, Natural transformations: , , 06/12/2018
black - objects Figure 4: Defining the Four Levels with Contravariant Functors and Intension-Extension (I-E) Pairs 06/12/2018
Figure 5: Examples of Levels in the Four Level Architecture
Cross-over arrows indicate contravariant mapping 06/12/2018
If functors are adjoint, there is a unique relationship between
them (a natural bijection). Figure 6: Composition of Adjoints is Natural 06/12/2018
Six Expressions for Adjunctions
One for each functor and its dual: 1) P, P' ; 2) O, O'; 3) I, I' One for each pair of adjacent functors and its dual 4) OP, P'O'; 5) OI, I'O' One for all three functors composed together and its dual 6) IOP, P'O'I' 06/12/2018
Simple expression for P, P'
Adjoint 1 <P, P', cpt cst >: CPT CST P maps from category CPT to CST P' maps from category CST to CPT (dual of P) is the unit of adjunction, measuring here the change in cpt through application of P and P' in turn is the co unit of adjunction, measuring here the change in cst through application of P' and P in turn 06/12/2018
More complex expression for
IOP, P'O'I' -- Adjoint 6 IOP maps from category CPT to DAT P'O'I' maps from category DAT to CPT (opposite direction to IOP) 06/12/2018
is the counit of adjunction, measuring here the changes in
is the unit of adjunction, measuring here the changes in cpt, cst and sch through application of P, O, I, I', O' and P' in turn is the counit of adjunction, measuring here the changes in dat, sch and cst through application of I', O',P', P, O and I in turn, When and signify no change, then special case for relationship -- equivalence 06/12/2018
Godement Calculus Manipulates categorical diagrams
Is a natural calculus Provides rules showing: composition of functors and natural transformations is associative natural transformations can be composed with each other Developed by Godement in 1950s Has Interchange laws 06/12/2018
Figure 8: Organisational Interoperability in terms of Godement:
Comparison of Three Systems Figure 8: Organisational Interoperability in terms of Godement: Variable Policy 06/12/2018
Equations (Figure 8) for Godement Calculus from Simmons
Equations (6) interchange, (7)-(8) associativity, (9) permutation, (10) different paths (composition) 06/12/2018
Technical Conditions for Interoperability
That our categories obey the rules of category theory every triangle in the diagram commutes (composition) order of evaluating arrows is immaterial (associativity) identity arrows are composable with other arrows 06/12/2018
Anticipated Problems 1 Type Information
ICEIS 2005 Anticipated Problems 1 Type Information Semantic annotation needed To obtain metameta types from implicit sources Needs open architecture Agents have potential 06/12/2018
Anticipated Problems 2 Composition Failure
Partial functions Most categories are based on total functions In real world many mappings are partial not all of the source objects participate in a relationship (mapping) Composition breaks down in a ‘total function’ category if a partial function occurs 06/12/2018
Use of Category Theory as a Standard for Interoperability
Formal basis – rigor, predictability Handles Data structures (categories) Processes (functors) Manipulation (Godement calculus) Satisfies Naturality (natural transformations, adjoints) 06/12/2018
Summary Formal four-level architecture promising for tackling interoperability: Use of category theory in natural role Structure and relations through arrows (identity, category, functor, natural transformation) Manipulate through Godement calculus Suitable as a standard Problems: Composition failure (particularly with partial functions) Need semantic annotation 06/12/2018
Prospects – PhD students
Robert Warrender (Sunderland) – testing 4-level ct architecture for relational and o-o databases Dimitris Sisiaridis (Northumbria)– using 4-level ct architecture for security Tim Reichert (Heilbronn/Northumbria) – using languages such as Qi for realising interoperability with ct. Development of tool for demonstrating technique. 06/12/2018
Recent/Future Publications
Rossiter, Nick, & Heather, Michael, Conditions for Interoperability, 7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Florida, USA, May 2005, (2005) Rossiter, Nick, Heather, Michael, & Nelson, David, A Natural Basis for Interoperability, I-ESA’06, Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications Conference, University of Bordeaux, March 2006, 12pp, Springer (2006). Rossiter, Nick, & Heather, Michael, Free and Open Systems Theory, EMCSR-2006, 18th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, University of Vienna, April 2006, 6pp (2006). 06/12/2018
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