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Chapter 9 Building and Joining Coalitions

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1 Chapter 9 Building and Joining Coalitions
Jennifer C. Duval Professor Walter Parmer Urbs 448: Displaced Populations February 18, 2009

2 What is a coalition? An organization of organizations working together for a common goal Amassing the power necessary to do something you can not do through a single organization Goal: Bring together major progressive organizations to build a base of power capable of winning on issues of mutual concerns Add images of different coalitions

3 Advantages Win what couldn’t be won alone Build an ongoing power base
Increase the impact of an individual organization’s efforts Develop new leaders Increase resources Broaden scope

4 Disadvantages Distracts from other work Weak members can’t deliver
Too many compromises Inequality of power Individual organizations may not get credit Dull tactics

5 Principles for Successful Coalitions
Choose Unifying Issues Hire Neutral Coalition Staff Understand and Respect Institutional Self Interest Help Organizing to Achieve their Self Interest Develop a Realistic Coalition Budget Agree to Disagree

6 Principle for Successful Coalitions
Play to the Center with Tactics Recognize that Contributions Vary Structure Decision Making Carefully Achieve Significant Victories Urge Stable, Senior Board Representatives Clarify Decision-Making Procedures Distribute Credit Fairly

7 Things to Consider Is it Permanent or Temporary?
Who is behind the Coalition? What’s your organizational Self Interest? How can your members participate? How will Participating in the Coalition build your organization? Is it a Letterhead Coalition?

8 The Organizer’s Job Never become involved in the internal politics
Who hired you ? Who makes decisions? To whom do you report ? What competing Organizational Self-Interests exists between Members? Who’s contributing and who’s gaining? Where is the money coming from? Who is being excluded and why ?

9 Jobs With Justice-Philadelphia
Jobs with Justice is a coalition of labor unions, community groups and religious and student constituency organizations. We are dedicated to building a movement for workers’ rights and social and economic justice on the principles of solidarity, reciprocity and action. security guards across the city of Philadelphia have become one of the latest examples of a "non-majority union," organizing outside of the traditional framework of collective bargaining. Unlike most unions, who have demonstrated majority support and bargain contracts on behalf of their members, non-majority unions represent a minority of workers in the workplace, and rely on collective action and shop floor activity—instead of regularly negotiated contracts—to win gains for the membership. Guards across the city of Philadelphia hope that this organizing model, together with a strong base of student (Student Labor Action Project) and community support(Philadelphia Jobs With Justice), will help them translate the recent sick day and wage increase victories at Penn and Temple U into similar gains citywide, and move them one step closer to their goal of winning full union recognition from AlliedBarton.

10 Chapter 10 Recruiting

11 Importance of Volunteers
Organizations would be far stronger if their staff and leaders resolved to do nothing else but find others to volunteer for all jobs

12 Basic Recruitment Principles
Canvassing, fundraising and coalition building Appeal to people’s self interest Personal, professional, power, moral Fire a Shot over the Water Recruit to an activity, not a business meeting Have an ongoing entry-level program for new people Offer childcare

13 Your Image as a Recruiter
Try to look as much as possible like the people you are trying to recruit People shouldn’t be able to remember what you looked like Be enthusiastic, concise and upbeat in conveying a clear message

14 Six Steps toward Successful Recruitment
Be Prepared Legitimize yourself Listen Agitate Get a Commitment Follow Up

15 How NOT to Recruit Volunteers

16 Tips on Keeping Volunteers
Stay organized in assigning tasks Provide coffee, celebrate birthdays, toast small victories Maintain regular hours at different times of the day

17 Conclusion Recruitment is the lifeblood of an organization
Growing, thriving organizations must train staff and leaders on how to recruit others and build recruitment strategies into their ongoing program work

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