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John Carroll’s Model Compare and contrast Carroll's model of school learning and Huitt's model of the teaching/ learning process discussed in Unit #1 (or.

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Presentation on theme: "John Carroll’s Model Compare and contrast Carroll's model of school learning and Huitt's model of the teaching/ learning process discussed in Unit #1 (or."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Carroll’s Model Compare and contrast Carroll's model of school learning and Huitt's model of the teaching/ learning process discussed in Unit #1 (or a corresponding model from one of the required readings). Developed by W. Huitt (1999)

2 John Carroll’s Model of School Learning
In 1963, John Carroll proposed a model to account for school learning. His major premise was that school learning is a function of time. To be more specific, Carroll proposed that Time Spent School Learning = f Time Needed

3 John Carroll’s Model of School Learning
Carroll defined time spent as a function of Amount of time available for learning Opportunity The extent to which students take advantage of the opportunity to learn Perseverance

4 John Carroll’s Model of School Learning
Carroll proposed the following measures for these variables: Allocated Time (Amount of time available for learning) Opportunity Engagement Rate (Percentage of Allocated Time students were paying attention) Perseverance

5 John Carroll’s Model of School Learning
Carroll proposed engaged time or time-on-task as measure of time spent Engaged Time = Allocated Time * Engagement Rate Engaged Time = the number of minutes per school day that students were actually engaged in school work

6 John Carroll’s Model of School Learning
Carroll defined time needed as a function of The ability to learn academic material (IQ) Aptitude The preparedness of the student for understanding the specific material to be learned (prerequisite knowledge) Ability to Understand Instruction Quality of Instruction Instruction methods and techniques

7 John Carroll’s Model of School Learning
The transactional model of the teaching/learning process presented in this class is derived from a set of models that relate historically to Carroll’s model (McIlrath & Huitt, 1995). McIlrath, D., & Huitt, W. (1995). The teaching/learning process: A discussion of models. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. There are some significant differences, however. Carroll was specific; Huitt is generic Carroll assumes learning is measured by scores on standardized tests of basic skills; Huitt does not

8 John Carroll’s Model of School Learning
Using Carroll's terminology, an equation for Huitt’s model would be Learning (Output) = f(Context, Input and Classroom Processes).

9 Academic Learning Time
Academic Learning Time (ALT) is the variable that has replaced "time spent" or "engaged time" identified in Carroll's model. the amount of time students are successfully covering content that will be tested ALT

10 Academic Learning Time
ALT is a combination of three separate variables: The percentage of the content covered on the test actually covered by students in the classroom Content Overlap Amount of time students are actively involved in the learning process Involvement Extent to which students accurately complete the assignments they have been given Success

11 Academic Learning Time
A high level of Academic Learning Time means that 1) students are covering important (tested/evaluated) content; 2) students are "on-task" most of the class period; and 3) students are successful on most the assignments they complete.

12 Academic Learning Time Academic Learning Time
is a measure of the QUALITY as well as QUANTITY of time.

13 Time Needed If “Time to Learn” is held CONSTANT (all students receive the same amount of time-to-learn regardless of aptitude), then Academic Aptitude is the most important variable related to Time Needed.

14 Time Needed If “Time to Learn” is allowed to VARY (students receive as much time as they need to learn important content), then Prerequisite Knowledge and Quality of Instruction become more important.

15 Variables Omitted In Carroll’s Model
Carroll omitted many important variables in his model: Planning Management School-level and Annual Time Variables Teacher Efficacy Context Variables

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