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Essential Question How can geography be used to understand the world?

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question How can geography be used to understand the world?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question How can geography be used to understand the world?
Unit 1: Geography Basics What did we learn about geography in our last social studies lesson? Lesson 2: Students will define geography.

2 What is geography? Look at the picture. What is geography?

3 Geography is the study of three groups.
How could you put the pictures together to make three groups? Geography is the study of three ideas. How can you put these pictures together to make 3 groups? Use your sorting pictures to help you make 3 groups.

4 What groups did you make?
What three groups did you make?

5 People Geography Resources Environment

6 Geography is the study of people, their environment, and resources.

7 People are the men, women, and children living and working in a community.
Pick two people and explain to a friend why they are important to your community. Pick two people and explain to a friend why they are important to your community.

8 Environment includes the surroundings and conditions of a place.

9 Resources are natural and human made things that help a person or community.
Natural Resource Human Made Resources are natural and human made things that help a person or community. Why is the picture of the water in the middle?

10 Geography is the study of people, their environment, and resources.
Geography Review People: Resources: Community Environment: Geography is the study of people, their environment, and resources. Geography is the study of people, their environment, and resources.

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