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LINKING WORDS (compare/contrast)

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2 LINKING WORDS (compare/contrast)
Highlight the key word Compare the way poets present ideas about identity in ‘The Clown Punk’ and one other poem... Key points for a general introduction to show your understanding of both poems in relation to the key word Clown Punk LINKING WORDS (compare/contrast) Other poem M Compared with… In comparison with Similarly, In the same way, Likewise, Equally, As with... are similar in that… However, On the other hand, Although… On the contrary , As for… Whereas… Alternatively, Unlike... I L S E (PEAAPL) (You might not fill all boxes but you CANNOT miss out analysing/imagery language) Key points for a CONCLUSION to summarise in relation to the key word Finally, In conclusion, To conclude, Ultimately, Note the commas

3 Point Analysis Poet (effect) Link (see over)
 Evidence: For example This is evident when As revealed by As illustrated by Analysis This (successfully) implies… Another interpretation could be… It also (cleverly) suggests… This (thoughtful) technique is used to show This (effectively) demonstrates that/how… The (vivid) image creates… Poet (effect) The poet wanted to… The poet is suggesting that… The poet creates an image of… The intention of the poet is...    Link (see over) Key words to understand and analyse the effect of: Alliteration Assonance Onomatopoeia Repetition Rhyme Rhythm Imagery Simile Metaphor Personification Emotive language Free verse Couplet Enjambment Caesura

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