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KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM 1 The Expanded Core Curriculum: Finding the Time Kathleen M. Huebner, Ph. D. Pennsylvania College of Optometry.

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Presentation on theme: "KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM 1 The Expanded Core Curriculum: Finding the Time Kathleen M. Huebner, Ph. D. Pennsylvania College of Optometry."— Presentation transcript:

1 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM 1 The Expanded Core Curriculum: Finding the Time Kathleen M. Huebner, Ph. D. Pennsylvania College of Optometry

2 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM2 A Quick Review of What is Included in the Expanded Core Curriculum n Compensatory Skills (Braille; listening skills; handwriting skills; abacus) n O&M n Social Skills n Independent Living Skills n Recreation and Leisure Skills n Career Education n Assistive Technology n Visual Efficiency Skills (NA-1995)

3 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM3 What Itinerant Teachers Report as Most Time Spent on Expanded Core (CO ) n Braille Reading and Writing (listed on survey) n Nemeth Instruction n Braille Preparation n Independent Living Skills n O&M n Vision Utilization (not listed on survey) n Technology Training n Materials Adaptation n Large Print Production (Suvak 1999)

4 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM4 What Itinerant Teachers Report as Most Time Spent Teaching NON-Expanded Core (CO) n Math n Language Arts (Suvak 1999)

5 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM5 Additional Responsibilities and Time Consuming Activities n Communication-Teachers-Parents- Administrators n Travel n Report preparation/paperwork n Assessment n Reinforce students other needs--MH n Other Expanded Core areas-social skills, career education, recreation/leisure n Materials ordering n Professional development

6 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM6 Current Concerns of 70 Experienced Teachers (TX) n Keeping up with required paperwork n Arranging a balanced schedule n Keeping up on morale and confidence

7 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM 7 Another Suspected but Unreported Time Eater TUTORING !

8 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM8 How to Make theBestof the Time We Have How to Make the Best of the Time We Have

9 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM9 Strategies to Make Best Use of Limited Time n Teach Only Expanded Core n Do Not Tutor n Examine Your Strengths and Weaknesses n Develop Appropriate and Shared Responsibilities-- Other Teachers/ Aides/Parents n Increase Team Effectiveness

10 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM10 Teach Only Expanded Core n Be convinced n Be determined n Be resourceful--in other words YOU have to make it happen n Be firm

11 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM11 Avoid Tutoring n Ask the question-- Does student need help because the visual impairment is impeding learning? n If yes--teach n If no--defer to other teacher, personnel, peer tutor, parents

12 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM12 Examine Your Strengths and Weaknesses n Be honest with yourself--Identify your weaknesses-- its between you and yourself--not the world n Weaknesses result in lack of confidence, slowness to accomplish tasks, and defensiveness n Weaknesses result in inefficiency and ineffectiveness

13 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM13 Change Weaknesses into Strengths n Develop strategies and a plan to change weaknesses into strengths n Seek out constructive ways to strengthen your skills and professionalism n Work independently and seek out support where needed

14 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM14 Weaknesses Changed into Strengths n Recognize your improvements n Note that tasks now take less time n Note that you now have more confidence in your decisions and the quality of your work n Note that you no longer procrastinate or resist doing what used to be weaknesses

15 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM15 ADD OTHERS TO YOUR TEAM Reauthorization of IDEA (1997) n Parents as members of the team n Participation of regular educator

16 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM16 Develop Appropriate and Shared Responsibilities-- Other Teachers/ Aides/Parents n Model--teach in the regular classroom n Provide positive reinforcement n Observe students in their regular classes…even snippets of time can tell you a lot n Provide formal and informal training n Teach your students to direct others for meaningful information-self advocate

17 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM17 Appreciate Others Diversity n Culture n Education n Socio/Economic Status n Response to having a child with a disability n Confidence n Trust n Lifestyle n Responsibilities

18 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM18 Keep an OPEN MIND and HEART n Dont bring old baggage into the relationship n Approach each new relationship with parents with a positive approach n Find out parents perspectives, beliefs, strengths, realities of lifestyles n Have high--yet realistic-- expectations for not only your students but their families as well

19 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM19 Facilitate Parent Participation n Keep an OPEN MIND and HEART n Consider parents individuality/diversity n See parents as childs mentors/teachers n Consider parents perspective n Give information to the parents through various means and modes

20 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM20 Parents as Teachers/Mentors n When my son was born blind, I didnt get enlightened as to how to teach him everything, but he is my fourth child, I know some things about raising children. Respect me but help me.

21 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM21 Parents Perspective n Teachers are not always hearing what Im saying. I see my child at home and I know what he can do and cant do. Why dont the teachers believe me when I tell them I see things they dont?

22 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM22 Give Parents Information n Dont just tell me to do it, explain how. n Taking classes made me feel better, like I know something. n Parents need resources too! n You have no idea how good it made me feel when you asked me to help teach the mom of the new VI child at the school.

23 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM23 Increase Team Effectiveness n Build & maintain positive relationships n Maintain close contact n Communicate a sense of teamwork n Dont complain n Be a good listener n Neither intimidate nor be intimidated n See others perspectives n Ask questions

24 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM24 Team Goals n Group move toward common goal n Each member needs a clear purpose n Team members directed toward a goal that may not be clear to others

25 KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM25 Support Comes From Many n Within yourself (UP TO YOU) n Family and friends (90%) n Students (80%) n Special education teachers (61%) n Other Vision Teachers (53%) n Parents (52%) n Administrators (46%) n Regular Classroom teachers (40%) n Community (26%) (Seitz, 1999)


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