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Cellular Organelles.

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Presentation on theme: "Cellular Organelles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cellular Organelles

2 Cell Membrane Surrounds the cell Controls what goes in and comes out

3 Cell Wall Layer of carbohydrates outside the cell membrane
Protects the cell and gives it a rigid shape

4 Nucleus Contains DNA The control center of the cell

5 Vacuole Storage Can store water, food, or other materials

6 Mitochondria Energy conversion Uses sugar to make energy in the form of ATP

7 Chloroplast Uses sunlight to make sugar through the process of photosynthesis

8 Golgi Body Sorts, packages, and transports proteins

9 Ribosome Makes proteins Found in ALL types of cell

10 Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Called rough because it has ribosomes A network of interconnected tubules Helps the cell make proteins

11 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Called smooth because it has NO ribosomes. A network of interconnected tubules Helps the cell make lipids (fats) Helps detoxify poisons, drugs, and alcohol

12 Centrosome Made of two pieces called centrioles.
Helps the cell divide during mitosis.

13 Lysosome Removes and breaks down waste Digests food

14 Cytoskeleton Allows the cell to move and change shape. Made of
Microtubules Microfilaments

15 Exit Ticket Which organelle is responsible for energy conversion?
Which organelle makes proteins? Which organelle carries out photosynthesis?

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