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WELCOME Mrs. Sushma Jacob
Achieving Success Through Effective Business Communication
Communication Model (sender -> message ->reciever).
Feedback for two - way communication
What Is Communication? Message/Information Barriers Bridge of meaning Develop idea Encode Transmit Receive Decode S E N D E R Accept Use R E C E I V E R Steps: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Feedback for two - way communication 8
Communication-Symbolic Presentation
Bridge of meaning Misunderstanding Parties to the communication Feedback
Goal Of Communication Communication Person Content + Spirit How ?
Verbal Non - Verbal Oral & Written Body language Gestures Person Must Understand Content + Spirit How ? - Use Proper Words - Personal Touch - KISS - Keep It Short & Sweet
Why is it (EC)so Important…….?
It helps people to understand each other. Encourages others to think divergently Stimulates others to take action. With good Communication Skills one can anticipate problems, make decisions, supervise others, develop relationships Make an impression on your colleagues, superiors, employees, investors , customers and stakeholders.
Benefits of Effective Communication
Characteristics of B.C. Provide Practical Information- how to do something, Changed procedures Causes of problems & solutions, Status of project. Give Facts instead of impressions- Clear convincing, accurate & ethical. Clarify & condense Info.-tables, charts, diagram, Explain process & Imp. of info. State precise responsibility –directed to a specific audience. Persuade others & offer recommendations Clarity of how product will help.
Developments in today’s Work-place
1. Advances in Technology – Internet, Fax, , Better Tools,- Increase speed , Effectively & efficiently People can work from homes, cars, airports & hotels Intranets, Extranet, E-commerce. 2. Globalization and Culturally Diverse Wok-force. 3. Team Based Communication – Command & Control Style. Today Organizations use Team & Collaborative Methodologies to succeed in the competitive & Global Market
Communication in Organizational Settings………
When you join a Co. –You are a link in the information chain. It is the life line of a Co. There are 2 lines-Internal & External Formal and Informal 1.Internal -Transfer of Info. Inside an Org. Eee.Grass level reaction-imp.-little ‘Gems of Information’ 2.External – To the Outside World-Customers, suppliers, competitors & investors 3.Formal – Org. Chart Sum.- Line of Auth.-Down- Up-solve problems, know what is happening in Co. Horizontal –lateral & diagonal Inter-Depart. Co-ordinate tasks & solving problem 4.Informal Grapevine - supplements official
How does it take place in the Work Place?
Internal External F O R M A L Planned communication Insiders -Letters, Reports Memos Follow Company’s Chain Of Communication. Planned Communication Outsiders – Letters, reports, speeches, web-sites & news releases I N F O R M A L Casual Communication Employees, Face-to face , Phone Does not follow the chain of communication. Casual Communication with Suppliers, Customers, Investors, Outsiders , Phone, Face to face
UPWARD COMMUNICATION Clarity of Communication Team Work Success in reaching the Company’s goal
When IN Crisis……….. DO Prepare ahead identify potential problems
Crisis Mgt Plan Get top Mgt. in Prevent conflicting Statements Don’t Don’t blame anyone for anything. Let the Person in Charge of Crisis management plan LEAD
Barriers Communication
C. Barriers block the C. Process. It distorts the Sender’s meaning. 1.Perceptual & Lang.differences 2.Restrictive Environment –distorted, fragmented or blocked by authoritarian style of Management. 3.Distractions –bad connection, poor health, uncomfortable chair, poor acoustics. 4.Deceptative Tactics – manipulative, illegal, unethical messages. 5.Information Overload
Guidelines –Communication Barriers
1. Adopt Audience Centered Approach -Know them , Use common sense & imagination 2. Create an Open Communication Climate Encourage Eee.’s contribution, facilitate feed-back, modify C. levels Constructive Feedback- asking specific Q.s Being receptive to the audience, Focus on the problem and never get personal. Co. uses survey, news letters, ,.Real-Time 2-Way Chat. 3. Commit to Ethical Communication – It is C. /lang. that is not manipulated ,is accurate & sincere. It should be Facts. (Knowing the diff. between what you have a right to do & what is the right thing to do.) 1.Palgiarism2. Selective misquoting .) 3.Misrepresenting Nos. 4. Distorting visuals. Ethical Dilemma – choosing bet. Alternatives that are not clear. Ethical Lapse – making a clear unethical or illegal choice. 4. Create lean Efficient Messages – separate necessary & unnecessary messages, Control emotions before you are carried away, Overcome Listening Barriers
Communication Communication - information is exchanged between or among individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, and behavior. As a process, communication has - expressing feelings, conversing, speaking, corresponding, writing, listening and exchanging People communicate to satisfy needs in both their work and non-work lives. People want to be heard, to be appreciated and to be wanted. They also want to accomplish tasks and to achieve goals. A major purpose of communication is to help people feel good about themselves and about their friends, groups, and organizations. For true communication, there must be a transmission of thoughts, ideas and feelings from one mind to another.
Non – Verbal Communication
Non – Verbal Communication
Body Language - so natural….
LOOK And IDENTIFY What TYPE of communication?
Imp. of Grammar in Communications
A language - voice sounds, intonations or pitch, gestures or written symbols which communicate thoughts or feelings. Human spoken and written languages can be described as a system of symbols (sometimes known as lexemes) and the grammars (rules) by which the symbols are manipulated. Language learning is normal in human childhood. Most human languages use patterns sound or gesture for symbols which enable communication with others around them Mother Tongue Influence
Effective Communication
- It is a bridge that crosses the " River of misunderstanding" - Listener should understand what sender said in spirit & content Effective communication Effective Sentence Effective Communication Vowel Effective Sound Effective Word Consonant
ASSIGNMENT ……… 1. Role Play- Situation –Grapevine in an office situation. 2.Plan the flow of Communication Direction & Type of Communication. a. Personal Manager wants to announce annual picnic. b. Dir. of Int. Comm. convince top mgt. the need of News letter. c. Prod. Mgr. U want to make sure that the Fin. Mgr. & Sales Mgr. gets your scheduling estimates. d. Mktg. Mgr.U want to help understand co’s. goal & attitude to workers.
Assignment…. 1.You have been nominated to speak in the Ex. Meeting to present your arguments for an Open Comm. Climate. (Keep in mind the audience ) 2.Your boss asked your team to look into the problems on the floor of the factory. List out things you would need to know from your boss before you start into action.
Thank - You
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