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Filibusters & Lobbyists

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Presentation on theme: "Filibusters & Lobbyists"— Presentation transcript:

1 Filibusters & Lobbyists

2 Filibuster When a senator talks for a really long time to stop a vote on a bill Only happens in the Senate

3 Filibuster What to talk about: Anything Read a book Read the phonebook
Talk about your family Read the bill Etc…

4 Filibuster How to stop a filibuster:
Senate can vote to stop a filibuster 3/5 (60 senators) of the senate must vote to stop

5 Filibuster When over: Bill dies if time ran out Vote on the bill

6 Lobbyist People who represent special interest groups

7 Lobbyist Help get a bill passed OR Help a bill to fail and die

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