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Extremes seem to be a natural reflex to a position thought to be wrong.

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2 Extremes seem to be a natural reflex to a position thought to be wrong.
Some Christians might believe sin is acceptable “so that grace might abound”. Cp. Rom. 6:1 Conversely, to keep from sinning the pendulum swings to the other extreme by creating laws…only to justify righteousness before man and/or God. Cp. Mk. 7:1-8

3 The church today – like the church at Colossae – are no different.
While some Christians are “loose” with their walk with God, others impose their religion on others. It is this latter group the apostle addresses in the 2nd chapter of his letter to the Colossian saints.

4 Review of Exhortations (Colossians 2)
Verse 4 – Let no one deceive you. Verse 8 – Let no one cheat (take) you (captive). Verse 16 – Let no one judge you. Verse 18 – Let no one defraud (condemn) you.

5 IF We Have Died With Christ to the Elementary Principles Of The World… Col. 2:20

6 As Christians, why would we ever “submit ourselves to (manmade) decrees”? v. 20
Christ took away the Law: the handwriting of requirements. He brought freedom by belief in Him. You CANNOT work (or do any type of chore) on Sunday…which is likened to the Christian’s Sabbath. You are sinning if your shorts/skirt/dress is above the knee. If you eat food in the church building you are guilty of sin and falling prey to the social gospel. EVERY child must be a believer (or ‘a Christian’). Tit. 1:6 When giving the “invitation” the ORDER of that invitation must be: hear, believe, confess, repent, be baptized. The bread MUST BE BROKEN by those blessing the bread before being passed out. Matt. 26:26

7 Those who deceive, rob, judge and defraud… have an appearance of wisdom through:
Self-imposed religion: make up commandments that somehow is suppose to bring us closer to God. False humility: the imposing of laws. Neglect of the body: asceticism. 1 Tim. 4:3

8 These principles have no value against the indulgence of the flesh. V
Those who walk in the Spirit will not be lead away by the works of the flesh. Cp. Gal. 5:24 These place their faith in Jesus Christ for all that they do…unto God’s glory. Col. 3:16-17; 1 Cor. 10:31 Those, however, who walk according to the flesh will indulge themselves anyway and prove to be sons of disobedience (walking in darkness). cp. Col. 3:1-6

9 While too many Christians seem so lax in their walk with our Lord, there is an equally damaging polar extreme: self-imposed religion. While we strive to abide by the teachings God’s word has clearly (explicitly) revealed to us, let us not add burdens upon one another and treat them as “commandments” from God.

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