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Creating Random Multiple Versions of Canvas Questions

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1 Creating Random Multiple Versions of Canvas Questions
Patrick Thompson Warrington College of Business

2 Random Canvas Questions
The setting Exams are proctored online so external software (Excel) can be used. Students pick start time from 2 to 10 pm. Hundreds of students so we want many variations of the exam. Random Canvas Questions

3 A typical Canvas formula question
Terms in [ ] will be randomly generated. Random Canvas Questions

4 Variable definition and formula calculation
Can use many statements to compute correct answer for “key”. Random Canvas Questions

5 The limited list of Canvas helper functions
For many tasks you may need to compute the correct answer outside Canvas. Random Canvas Questions

6 Using the “if” function
X = if( Check2, 0, 1 ) The result X is equal to 1 if Check2 is zero. X is equal to 0 if Check2 is anything else. Random Canvas Questions

7 Using an external data set
Students will work with a randomly-assigned column. Random Canvas Questions

8 Assign the task in a question
Random Canvas Questions

9 Check version # and compute answer key
The last formula “picks” the right answer for the randomly-generated version. Random Canvas Questions

10 A variation on this theme
You can use a question where the answer needs to be chosen from a list. Use numbers 1, 2, 3, ... for the answers instead of A, B, C, ... The “logical arithmetic” can be used to compute a different correct answer for each version of the question. Random Canvas Questions

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