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ESF Performance reports and Thematic reports

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1 ESF Performance reports and Thematic reports
Costas VOYIATZIS DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Evaluation and Impact Assessment Unit ESF Evaluation Partnership meeting, 28 September 2017, Brussels

2 Tasks per year (X2) Task 1 - Summarize monitoring information and evaluation findings as reported yearly by MS Task 2 – Produce a Thematic Report

3 Information sources Evidence on ESF/YEI performance
Analysis and meaningful aggregation of monitoring and evaluation information by MS in AIRs (cut-off date!) Other information sources to consider like progress reports

4 Input to other reports Results/conclusions will feed into:
Commission's Strategic report 7th Cohesion report Annual Summary Report on ESIFs Reports will be accompanied by SWD.

5 Deliverables (1st year)
Synthesis report (Annexed country summary tables) And on EUBookshop: Thematic Report (1st year theme: New Skills Agenda)

6 State of play (1st year) Synthesis report accepted (country summary tables re-worked by the contractor) Inconsistencies in OPs/AIR identified that need to be corrected asap. Thematic report on New Skills Agenda finalised

7 Report on New Skills Agenda (i)
The European Commission’s flagship initiative to strengthen the development of human capital in the EU The NSA differs from previous initiatives in that: it looks at skills from a new angle: i.e. the focus on competitiveness / emphasis on digital skills aims to upgrading existing measures (e.g. EQF; the Blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills, etc.) stresses the need to improve basic skills

8 Report on New Skills Agenda (ii)
To what extent is the ESF likely to contribute to achieving the main challenges/development needs in terms of skills development? Methodology Focus on Upskilling Pathways Key findings Recommendations

9 Report on New Skills Agenda (iii)
Methodology Desk research Field research (e-survey and interviews) Triangulation Focus on Upskilling Pathways-why?

10 Key findings (i) ESF already supporting activities relevant to NSA
Little evidence that MS/MA adapting ESF implementation to NSA ESF flexible and could accommodate changes without resorting to renegotiation Stronger result-orientation and tight financial allocations might limit the flexibility

11 Key findings (ii) Substantial potential for ESF to support actions under NSA Relatively little to report on actions supported by the ESF Understanding the actions under NSA and how can be taken up by ESF NSA is specific and its strategies but less clear the actions that need to be undertaken in support

12 Recommendations (i) How to better design future EU initiatives?
a) More information and guidance Clear signposting of MAs role Clearer overview of the governance structure at MS level (= better monitoring and follow up) Annual Review Meeting, Ex Ante Conditionalities?

13 Recommendations (ii) b) New initiatives and flexibility of ESF Programming “Financial reserve” used to adapt OPs to new needs Youth Guarantee might provide a good example

14 Recommendations (iii)
c) Monitoring and evaluation Keep track contribution of ESF to the new initiatives Use already existing monitoring and evaluation provisions Encourage MAs and MS to report on elated achievements in Annual Implementation Reports or Progress Reports Encourage MAs and MS to implement thematic evaluations

15 Deliverables (2nd year)
Synthesis report (Draft stage- only quantitative information) Thematic Report (2nd year theme: TBD) Your suggestions requested

16 State of play (2nd year) Draft Synthesis report submitted to EC
Inconsistencies in OPs/AIR identified. Examples: Logical inconsistencies (achievement value of Result Indicator higher than output indicator) SFC validation rules further enhanced; Reports will not be accepted!

17 2nd Thematic report suggested topics (i)
How learning from ESF influences mainstream policy?  (Wales) A) Evaluations and how ESF evaluation findings and recommendations influence policy B) Relationships between MA staff and involved in ESF programmes with those developing mainstream policy If/How Member States employ consistent methods for evaluating different ESF operations  types of operations work best at delivering particular outcomes?  (Wales)

18 2nd Thematic report suggested topics (ii)
Social Innovation (DE), (DG EMPL) Link ESF operations with the CSRs (DG EMPL) ESF role for integration of migrants (DG MARE) Delivery systems with emphasis on software solutions for quality monitoring and evaluation (HR) ESF and delegated acts (LU)


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