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Death by PowerPoint… The speaker reads the slides to us 72.0%

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Presentation on theme: "Death by PowerPoint… The speaker reads the slides to us 72.0%"— Presentation transcript:

1 Death by PowerPoint… The speaker reads the slides to us 72.0%
Test so small I couldn’t read it 50.6% Full sentences instead of bullet points 48.4% Overly complex diagrams 30.8% Poor colour choice 25.8% Moving/flying text or graphics 24.8% 2013 Annoying PowerPoint survey

2 Before After &

3 Slides should be visual
The slide should compliment your presentation Images can create an immediate reaction and add an element of emotion help people to focus and remember provide context


5 Add interest but don’t distract
Have some space for your text Draw the attention of your audience Compliment your message

6 “Before the first quarter-hour is over in a typical presentation, people usually have checked out. If keeping someone’s interest in a lecture were a business, it would have an 80 percent failure rate” Dr John Medina

7 Twitter user growth since 2012 (%)

8 The Heart Human heart has 4 chambers Chambers are separated by septum…
2 Atria Superior = primary receiving chambers, do not actually pump Blood flows into atria 2 Ventricles Pump blood Contraction = blood sent out of heart + circulated Chambers are separated by septum… Due to separate chambers, heart functions as double pump For more information contact... Digital Skills | Digital Services *

9 The Heart Blood flows into the right atrium
Blood flows into the left atrium Right Atrium pumps the blood Into the right Ventricle Left Atrium pumps the blood Into the left Ventricle Right Ventricle contracts, Pumping the blood out through the Aorta. Left Ventricle contracts, Pumping the blood out through the Vena Cava. For more information contact... Digital Skills | Digital Services *

10 Some useful resources The five most common PowerPoint mistakes Presentation Zen – what is good PowerPoint design Before and after More before and after

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