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Day 1 Overview and presentations of R204 from various stakeholders

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1 ILO Snapshot of R204 Consensus Building Workshop BIRCHWOOD, JOHANNESBURG 23- 25 May 2017

2 Day 1 Overview and presentations of R204 from various stakeholders
Recap of key points  Day 1   Overview and presentations of R204 from various stakeholders Welcome note – Director ILO Presentation by NEDLAC - Inclusivity and voice of the informal sector Report on gender dimension – robust discussion resulted in a suggestion to review methodologies and findings.  Presentation from Labour Numerous concerns touching on the social well-being, health, Unemployment Act, UIF   Presentation on R204 - Community Constituency Social protection Collective bargain Public Laws Labour Laws

3 Presentation – Department of Small Business & Development
Best practices modules on small business from other countries Presentation on Economic Development - KZN Representative Draft master plan on monitoring of the informal economy Development of a database to identify interventions and challenges Presentation – SALGA Overview of SALGA activities Migration and demographic trends Definition of key concepts used in the informal sector Conclusion The day concluded with a robust engagement on the R204 presentations

4 Day 2 Identified gaps, additions and changes – Proposal on Community Constituency Safety of public toilets, drugs , spaces, permits, recognition of homebased & domestic workers, training & facilitation, corruption, person with disabilities and government plans Responsibilities and Time Frames COGTA, ILO, communities, SALGA, DOL, DSBE, DOH, Home Affairs, DSD, DOE, DTI, and NEDLAC Long term: 5 year plan linked to government, subject to annual review. Short term: 6 months – year Pilot Selection of 5 municipalities for piloting Implementation Plan Implementation plan was reviewed and captured: including additional items with inputs, time frames and stakeholder responsibilities (refer to separate document as captured by Pat)

5 Emerging thematic concerns from the Proposal Consultation Funding
Emerging thematic concerns from the Proposal Consultation Funding Training Capacity Building By-laws Infrastructure Enforcement Corruption Monitoring and Evaluation Legislation Criteria for selection for municipalities Good governance By Laws Financial management Pro Informal sector Track record for service delivery Inclusion of urban, rural and local municipalities Political buy-in

6 Criteria for selection for municipalities
Good governance By-laws Financial management Pro Informal sector Track record for service delivery Inclusion of urban, rural and local municipalities Political buy-in Selection of the Municipalities Consensus could not be reached in selecting the pilot municipalities Participants were requested to coccus and agree of final selection of pilot municipalities

7 4 Proposed National Interventions
DOL Presentation 4 Proposed National Interventions Consensus of the contents of the proposed plan Previous meetings held R204 task teams to advised the way forward Further engagement was recommended on publication and dissemination of information DOL will revert back to the task teams with meeting dates in July 2017

8 Presentation – New Urban Agenda 2016 Emulating best practices models
Day 3 Presentation – New Urban Agenda 2016 Emulating best practices models Monitoring and evaluation Challenges - lack of synergies at various implementation levels General dissatisfaction with services Needs of informal caseworkers ( i.e. day care facilities for mothers while at work) Importance of dialogue with informal workers Theory of change – 3Vs – Voice, Visibility & Value Follow-up discussion on New Urban Agenda 2016 Timeframes for implementation remains a challenge Research conducted show be inclusive and reflects the voices of communities Mismanagement of funds Laicity to implement by government officials Level of responsibility from the communities

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