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ITU-T Study Group 13 and its Activities
3rd SG13 Regional Workshop for Africa on “ITU-T Standardization Challenges for Developing Countries Working for a Connected Africa” (Livingstone, Zambia, February 2015) ITU-T Study Group 13 and its Activities Acting Chairman: Leo Lehmann (Dr Leo) Counsellor: Tatiana Kurakova
Study Group 13 Mandate Per Res.2: Future networks including CC, mobile and NGNs Mission: studies relating to the requirements, architectures, capabilities and mechanisms of future networks; studies relating to service awareness, data awareness, environmental awareness and socio-economic awareness of future networks. Responsibility: studies relating to cloud computing technologies such as virtualization, resource management, reliability and security studies relating to network aspects of Internet of things (IoT) and network aspects of mobile telecommunication networks, including IMT and IMT-Advanced, wireless Internet, mobility management, mobile multimedia network functions, internetworking and enhancements to existing ITU-T Recommendations on IMT studies relating to NGN/IPTV enhancements, including requirements, capabilities, architectures and implementation scenarios, deployment models, and coordination across study groups SDN study by Resolution 77
Perspectives of SG13 SG13 has pioneered to investigate new technologies and incorporate them into new networks in terms of functional requirements, architectures and mechanisms As NGN is almost done, SG13 is undergoing a transition phase of its activities from a horizontal structure (function based) to an vertical structure with different subjects like eNGN, Cloud Computing, IoT, SDN Collaboration with other SDOs that have worked with ITU-T in the development of network standards should be strengthened for future study
SG13 Overview SG13 - Future networks including cloud computing, mobile and next-generation networks Lead SG on: future networks mobility management and NGN cloud computing SDN, Software Defined Networking (request approved by TSAG meeting of June 2013) Participants: in general about 190 delegates from more then 35 countries with more than 200 contributions
SG13 Working Parties WP Title Questions Acting Chairman Vice-Chairman
NGN-e and IMT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Yoshinori GOTO and Heyuan XU Simon BUGABA/ Konstantin TROFIMOV 2 Cloud Computing and Common Capabilities (C4) 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19 Huilan LU and Jamil CHAWKI Ahmed Al RAGHY/ Mohammed AL RAMSI 3 SDN and Networks of Future 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Leo LEHMANN and Hyoung Jun KIM Alojz HUDOBIVNIK/Maurice GHAZAL
SG13 Questions under Study
1/13 Service scenarios, deployment models and migration issues based on convergence services 2/13 Requirements for NGN evolution (NGN-e) and its capabilities including support of IoT and use of software-defined networking 3/13 Functional architecture for NGN evolution (NGN-e) including support of IoT and use of software-defined networking 4/13 Identification of evolving IMT systems and beyond 5/13 Applying IMS, IMT and other new technologies in developing country mobile telecom networks 6/13 Requirements and mechanisms for network QoS enablement (including support for software-defined networking) 7/13 Deep packet inspection in support of service/application awareness in evolving networks 8/13 Security and identity management in evolving managed networks (including support for software-defined networking) 9/13 Mobility management (including support for software-defined networking) 10/13 Coordination and management for multiple access technologies (Multi-connection) 11/13 Evolution of user centric networking, services, and interworking with networks of the future including Software-Defined Networking 12/13 Distributed service networking 13/13 Requirements, mechanisms and frameworks for packet data network evolution 14/13 Software-Defined Networking and Service aware networking of future networks 15/13 Data-aware networking in future networks 16/13 Environmental and socio-economic sustainability in future networks and early realization of FN 17/13 Cloud computing ecosystem, general requirements, and capabilities 18/13 Cloud functional architecture, infrastructure and networking 19/13 End-to-end Cloud computing service and resource management
Approved since beginning of current Study Period: 49 Cloud Computing: 9 DPI: 2 DSN: 2 Emergency Communications: 2 FMC/Mobile: 7 IoT: 5 IPTV: 1 NGN ,e-NGN/NICE: 7 PTDN: 1 SDN: 2 SUN/ FN: 11
Recommendations/Supplements (cont.)
Question Technical area Work item Title Approval date Q1/13 FMC Y.2000-series Supplement 24 (ex Y.nscreen-sc) N-Screen service scenarios over FMC NGN Y.2200-series Supplement 22 (ex Y.gms) Greenhouse gas monitoring services provided over NGN Q2/13 IPTV Y.1903 (ex Y.miptv-req) Functional requirements of Mobile IPTV IoT, e-health Y.2065 (ex Y.EHM-Reqts) Service and capability requirements for e-health monitoring services IoT Y.2066 (ex Y.IoT-common-reqts) Common requirements of Internet of Things Y.2067 (ex Common requirements and capabilities of a gateway for Internet of Things applications Y.2222 (ex Y.SCN) Sensor Control Networks and related applications in Next Generation Network environment NICE Y.2301 (ex Y.NICE-Reqts) Network Intelligence Capability Enhancement - Requirements and Capabilities Q3/13 Emergency communications Y.1271 Rev.1 Framework(s) on network requirements and capabilities to support emergency telecommunications over evolving circuit-switched and packet- switched networks Y.2302 (ex Y.NICE-arch) Functional Architecture for Network Intelligence Capability Enhancement (NICE)
Recommendations/Supplements (cont.)
Q4/13 IMT Q IMT-2000 references to Release 10 of GSM- evolved UMTS core network Q IMT-2000 References (approved as of 31 December 2011) to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network Q IMT 2000 References (approved as of 31 December 2012) to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network Q5/13 Q.1740_Supp66 (ex Y.sup.IMT/IMSDevelop) Supplement on Scenarios and requirements in terms of services and deployments for IMT and IMS in developing countries Q17/13 Cloud Y.3500 (ex Y.ccdef) ISO/IEC 17788 Cloud computing - Overview and Vocabulary Y.3501 (ex Y.ccf) Cloud computing framework and high-level requirements Y.3503 (ex Y.daas) Requirements for desktop as a service Q18/13 Y.3502 (ex Y.ccra) ISO/IEC 17789 Cloud computing - reference architecture Y.3510 (ex Y.ccinfra) Cloud computing infrastructure requirements Y.3511 (ex Y.ccic) Framework of inter-cloud computing Y.3512 (ex Y.ccnaas) Cloud computing - Functional requirements of Network as a Service Y.3513 (ex Y.cciaas) Cloud computing - Functional requirements of Infrastructure as a Service
Recommendations/Supplements (cont.)
Q19/13 Cloud Y.3520 (ex Y.e2eccrmr) Cloud computing framework for end to end resource management Q6/13 Quds/SUN/FN Y.3042 (ex Y.SUN-trcmf) Smart Ubiquitous Networks - Smart Traffic Control and Resource Management Functions Q7/13 DPI Y.2770-series Supplement 23 (ex Y.SupTerm) ITU-T Y.2770-series Supplement on DPI terminology Y.2771 (ex Y.dpifr) Framework for deep packet inspection Q8/13 Security Y.2705 (ex Y.ETS-Sec) Minimum Security Requirements for Interconnection of Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS) Y.2723 (ex Y.NGN-OAuth) Support for OAuth in next generation networks Y.2724 (ex Y.NGN-OOF) Framework for supporting OAuth and OpenID in next generation networks Y.2725 (ex Y.NGN-OpenID) Support of OpenID in Next Generation Networks Q10/13 Mobile Y.2253 (ex Y.MC-streaming) Capabilities for multi-connection to support streaming service Y.2254 (ex Y.MC-eMMTel) Capabilities of multi-connection to support enhanced Multimedia Telephony (eMMTel) services Q11/13 NGN Y.2000-series Supplement 21 (ex Y.ipev) NGN requirements for interworking with legacy IP-based networks IoT Y.2064 (ex Energy saving using smart objects in home networks
Recommendations/Supplements (cont.)
Q11/13 SUN/FN Y.3043 (ex Y.SUN-context) Smart ubiquitous networks - Context awareness framework Q12/13 DSN Y.2082 (ex Y.dsnrf) Distributed Service Networking Relay Functions Y.2083 (ex Y.dsnmmtel) Multimedia telephony over Distributed Service Networking Q13/13 PTDN Y.2616 (ex Y.PTDN-interworking) Interworking mechanisms in public packet telecom data network (PTDN) Q14/13 FN Y.3012 (ex Y.FNvirtreq) Requirements of network virtualization for Future Networks SDN Y.3300 (ex Y.SDN-FR (ex Y.FNsdn)) Framework of Software-Defined Networking Y.3320 (ex Y.FNsdn-fm) Requirements for applying formal methods to software-defined networking Q15/13 Y.3032 (ex Y.FNID-config) Configurations of node identifiers and their mapping with locators in future networks Y.3033 (ex Y.FNDAN) Framework of Data Aware Networking for Future Networks Q16/13 Y.3013 (ex Y.FNsocioeconomic) Socio-economic Assessment of Future Networks by Tussle Analysis Y.3022 (ex Y.energyMRM) Energy measurement of networks Y.3022 Rev.1 Revision to Y.3022: Measuring energy in networks Y.3041 (ex Y.SUN-overview) Smart Ubiquitous Networks - Overview Y.3044 (ex Y.SUN-content) Smart ubiquitous networks - Content awareness framework Y.3045 (ex Y.SUN-cdf) Smart Ubiquitous Networks - Functional architecture of content delivery
Collaboration with other groups
Cloud Computing 2 collaborative teams for common text with ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC38 (completed July 2014) Joint Rapporteur Group with SG2 on Cloud Computing Management JCA Cloud, CC-Roadmap SG13RG-AFR has cloud computing (beside FN) as part of its mandate Software Defined Networking JCA SDN, SDN-Roadmap Internet of Things (IoT) IoT GSI Mobile Q.174X series development in coordination with ITU-R WP5D and collaboration with 3GPP and 3GPP2
SG13 Regional Group for Africa
Q1740-series Supplement 66 on scenarios and requirements in terms of services and deployments for IMT and IMS in developing countries was developed thanks to the inputs largely solicited by the SG13RG-AFR.
Mr. Marco Carugi SG13 Mentor Main role:
Interaction with newcomers, members from developing countries Sharing information with developing countries on best practices with regards to the application/ implementation of ITU-T Recommendations Enhance standardization activities in developing countries and in the regional groups Identification of capacity building programs for ITU-T Recommendations which could be implemented by TSB in developing countries thereafter under bridging the standardization gap Mr. Marco Carugi
Upcoming Events 2015 SG13 meeting, 20 April – 01 May 2015
Workshop on “Future Trust and Knowledge Infrastructure” 24 April 2014 (alongside with SG13 meeting) SG13 rapporteur group meeting, 13 July – 24 July 2015 SG13 meeting, 30 November – 11 December 2015 Contact:
Welcome to the 3rd SG13 Regional Workshop for Africa
Thank you for your attention !!!
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