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Kerberos for SSRS Made Simple

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1 Kerberos for SSRS Made Simple
Kathi Kellenberger Kerberos for SSRS Made Simple

2 Kathi Kellenberger Consultant @auntkathi

3 Agenda Why do we need to configure Kerberos Delegation? Three tasks
Configure SPNs Set delegation property App configuration

4 Why??

5 Why??

6 Why?? Stored Credentials

7 Why?? Report Data Stored Credentials

8 Why?? Report Data

9 Why?? Report Data

10 Task 1: Configure SPNs Service Principal Names
A property of the service account If local service account, use host name Setspn utility L = list the registration S = register an SPN D = delete an SPN SETSPN –S <service name>/<host> <domain>\<service account> SETSPN –S <service name>/<host>:<port> <domain>\<service account>

11 Tasks 1: Configure SPNs SQL Server Instance SSRS Instance
Setspn –S MSSQLSvc/sql1.mydomain.local mydomain\sqlservice Setspn –S MSSQLSvc/sql1.mydomain.local:1433 mydomain\sqlservice Setspn -S MSSQLSvc/sql1.mydomain.local:inst2 mydomain\sqlservice Setspn –S MSSQLSvc/sql1.mydomain.local:49200 mydomain\sqlservice SSRS Instance Setspn –S http/SSRS.mydomain.local mydomain\ssrsservice

12 Tasks 2: Set Delegation Property
SSRS Account, NOT SQL Account AD Users and Computers Delegation tab shows up only with spn configured Uncheck “Account is sensitive and cannot be delegated”

13 Tasks 3: App Configuration
RSReportServer.config file Restart services <AuthenticationTypes> <RSWindowsNTLM /> </AuthenticationTypes> <RSWindowsNegotiate />


15 What’s Next? SharePoint Integrated Mode Managed Service Accounts
Trusted Domains Clustering and Availability Groups Check out my Pluralsight course! Registry key for Kerberos troubleshooting [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Kerberos\Parameters] "LogLevel"=dword:

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