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Kingdom Fungi.

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdom Fungi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdom Fungi

2 Characteristics of Fungi
Eukaryotic Multicellular Heterotrophic Digest food outside of their body then absorb it Many are decomposers – recycle nutrients

3 Ecology of Fungi Many saprobes- obtain food from decaying organic matter Some Symbionts - live mutualy with other organisms

4 Ecology of Fungi Symbionts
Lichens: symbiosis between fungus and algae or cyanobacteria Resistant to cold and drought Can survive where few others can (rocks) Help early stages of soil formation

5 Ecology of Fungi Parasites: Plant diseases: Mildew and rust
Animal diseases: ringworm and yeast infection

6 Structures Cell walls have chitin – complex carbohydrate
Mycelium – thick masses of hyphae

7 Vocabulary Hyphae Fruiting Body
Thin filaments only one cell thick which compose the bodies of multicellular fungi Fruiting Body Many produce spores which germinate to form new fungi

8 How are fungi classified
Some Examples Molds, yeast (sac fungi), mushroom (club fungi), Penicillium (imperfect fungi) May cause athletes foot and ringworm How are fungi classified By structure and reproduction method

9 Characteristics of the Phylum
Phylum Zygomycota Sexual and asexual Life cycle include zygospore Common molds, bread molds Hyphae generally lack cell wall


11 Characteristics of the Phylum
Phylum Ascomycota Sexual and asexual Conidia, ascus, ascospores Largest phylum in Kingdom Some are large enough to be seen (morels) Others are microscopic (Yeast) Sac Fungi


13 Characteristics of the Phylum
Phylum Basidomycota Sexual reproduction Basidium and basidiospores Most elaborate life cycle Club Fungi (includes mushrooms), shelf fungi, and puffballs Spores produce mycelium (grows underground) With right conditions, fruiting bodies grow above ground to produce spores


15 Characteristics of the Phylum
Phylum Deuteromycota Placed here because scientist don’t know how they reproduce Extremely varied Imperfect fungi

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