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Environmental Time Functions & Segment Parameters.

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1 Environmental Time Functions & Segment Parameters

2 Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center Environmental Time Functions Varies Conditions over Simulation PeriodVaries Conditions over Simulation Period Environmental properties with multiple time functions:Environmental properties with multiple time functions: –Temperature –Water velocity –Light extinction Time Functions can have their own intervalsTime Functions can have their own intervals

3 Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center Segment Parameters Varies Environmental Conditions SpatiallyVaries Environmental Conditions Spatially Scales Environmental Conditions for Individual Segments.Scales Environmental Conditions for Individual Segments.

4 Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center Working Together Segment parameters can point to individual time functionsSegment parameters can point to individual time functions –User can specify up to 4 temperature functions. –User can specify segment temperature by point to 1 of the 4

5 Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center Seg 1 Seg 2 Temperature Function 1 Temperature Scale 1 Temperature Time Series used is 1 Temperature Function 2 Temperature Scale 1 Temperature Time Series used is 2

6 Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center EUTRO Module Time Functions Water temperature (4) (degrees C)Water temperature (4) (degrees C) Water velocity (4) (m/sec)Water velocity (4) (m/sec) Light intensity (langleys)Light intensity (langleys) Fraction of daylight (fraction)Fraction of daylight (fraction) Wind speed at 10 meters (m/sec)Wind speed at 10 meters (m/sec) Light extinction coefficient (5) (per meter)Light extinction coefficient (5) (per meter) Ammonia & phosphorus benthic flux (mg/m2-day)Ammonia & phosphorus benthic flux (mg/m2-day) ZooplanktonZooplankton Ice cover (fraction)Ice cover (fraction) Air Temperature (degrees C)Air Temperature (degrees C) Reaeration rate constant (per day)Reaeration rate constant (per day)

7 Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center EUTRO Module Segment Parameters Water velocity time function pointerWater velocity time function pointer Water temperature (time function pointer and multiplier)Water temperature (time function pointer and multiplier) Reaeration rate multiplierReaeration rate multiplier Incoming solar radiation multiplierIncoming solar radiation multiplier Light extinction (time function pointer and multiplier)Light extinction (time function pointer and multiplier) Fraction of light intercepted by canopy (fraction)Fraction of light intercepted by canopy (fraction) Ammonia & phosphorus flux multipliersAmmonia & phosphorus flux multipliers Sediment oxygen demand, SOD (g/m2-day)Sediment oxygen demand, SOD (g/m2-day) SOD temperature correction factorSOD temperature correction factor ZooplanktonZooplankton

8 Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center Additional EUTRO Module Parameters CBOD deoxygenation rate constant scale factors (3)CBOD deoxygenation rate constant scale factors (3) Tsivoglou reaeration escape coefficientTsivoglou reaeration escape coefficient Dam elevation (m)Dam elevation (m) Dam pool water quality coefficientDam pool water quality coefficient Dam type coefficientDam type coefficient Fraction of bottom area covered by benthic algaeFraction of bottom area covered by benthic algae

9 Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center SOD - EUTRO Module Parameters – (to be implemented) Particulate Organic Nitrogen (3 types) mg N/gParticulate Organic Nitrogen (3 types) mg N/g Dissolved NH 3 (3 types) mg N/LDissolved NH 3 (3 types) mg N/L NO 2, mg N/LNO 2, mg N/L NO 3, mg N/LNO 3, mg N/L Particulate Organic Phosphorus (3 types), mg P/gParticulate Organic Phosphorus (3 types), mg P/g Dissolved PO 4, mg P/LDissolved PO 4, mg P/L Particulate Organic Carbon (3 types), mg O 2 /gParticulate Organic Carbon (3 types), mg O 2 /g

10 Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center TOXI Module Time Functions Water temperature (4) (degrees C)Water temperature (4) (degrees C) Water velocity (4) (m/sec)Water velocity (4) (m/sec) pH of water column & benthic segmentspH of water column & benthic segments Normalized light intensity (photolysis option 2)Normalized light intensity (photolysis option 2) Wind speed at 10 meters (m/sec)Wind speed at 10 meters (m/sec) Bacteria population (Water & Benthos)Bacteria population (Water & Benthos) Air temperature (degrees C)Air temperature (degrees C) Reaeration rate constant (per day)Reaeration rate constant (per day) Chlorophyll-a (mg/L)Chlorophyll-a (mg/L)

11 Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center TOXI Module Segment Parameters Water velocity time function pointerWater velocity time function pointer Water temperature (time function pointer and multiplier)Water temperature (time function pointer and multiplier) Wind speed multiplierWind speed multiplier Reaeration rate multiplierReaeration rate multiplier Dissolved organic carbon, DOC (mg/L)Dissolved organic carbon, DOC (mg/L) Fraction organic carbon for solids 1, 2, 3 (fraction)Fraction organic carbon for solids 1, 2, 3 (fraction) Chlorophyll a concentration (mg/L)Chlorophyll a concentration (mg/L) pHpH Light extinction coefficient (per meter)Light extinction coefficient (per meter) Oxidative radical concentration (moles/L)Oxidative radical concentration (moles/L) Bacteria Population (cells/100 mL)Bacteria Population (cells/100 mL) Extra environmental propertyExtra environmental property Overall decay rate constant for chemicals 1, 2, 3 (per day)Overall decay rate constant for chemicals 1, 2, 3 (per day)

12 Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center MERC Module Time Functions Water temperature (4) (degrees C)Water temperature (4) (degrees C) Normalized light intensity (photolysis option 2)Normalized light intensity (photolysis option 2) Wind speed at 10 meters (m/sec)Wind speed at 10 meters (m/sec)

13 Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center MERC Module Segment Parameters Water temperature (time function pointer and multiplier)Water temperature (time function pointer and multiplier) Wind speed multiplierWind speed multiplier Dissolved organic carbon, DOC (mg/L)Dissolved organic carbon, DOC (mg/L) Light extinction coefficient (per meter)Light extinction coefficient (per meter) Oxidation rate constant (per day)Oxidation rate constant (per day) Methylation rate constant (per day)Methylation rate constant (per day) Bacterial demethylation rate constant (per day)Bacterial demethylation rate constant (per day)

14 Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center HEAT Module Time Functions Cloud cover (4) (percent)Cloud cover (4) (percent) Wind speed at 10 meters (4) (m/sec)Wind speed at 10 meters (4) (m/sec) Air temperature (4) (degrees C)Air temperature (4) (degrees C) Dew point (3) (degrees C)Dew point (3) (degrees C) Light extinction coefficient (4) (per meter)Light extinction coefficient (4) (per meter) Wind sheltering function (unitless)Wind sheltering function (unitless)

15 Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center HEAT Module Segment Parameters Cloud cover pointer and multiplierCloud cover pointer and multiplier Wind speed pointer and multiplierWind speed pointer and multiplier Air temperature pointer and multiplierAir temperature pointer and multiplier Dew point pointer and multiplierDew point pointer and multiplier Light extinction pointer and multiplierLight extinction pointer and multiplier Wind sheltering pointer and multiplierWind sheltering pointer and multiplier

16 Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center Kinetic Time Functions Steps to specify time functions: Point and click on Used field to select or de-select time functions Highlight Time Function In bottom window, fill in time function values for beginning and ending times As needed, add time rows by pressing + Insert and edit Date, Time, and Value Continue selecting time functions and entering data Press OK and save

17 Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center Segment Properties - Parameters Steps to specify parameters:Steps to specify parameters: Press Parameters to enter screen Highlight and edit parameter values for rows Press OK and save

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