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write on board in advance: handouts, names, Hoare quote

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1 6894 · workshop in software design lecture 4 · september 23, 1998 · entity life histories
write on board in advance: handouts, names, Hoare quote do first 6 slides quickly remember to leave time for students to fill in info sheet: 5m? don't dwell on first abstraction slide might not have time for last two abstraction slides

2 introduction two kinds of aspect models object model: abstract states
entity life histories: event sequences sample entity life history (ELH) MIT course: [preregister] (register | add) (complete | drop) very partial describes one student and one course registration aspect only doesn’t say what causes events to occur lecture topics abstract notion of ELH notations regexps, grammars, machines all describe regular languages: equivalent to finite automaton refinements: roles and event classification 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

3 what is an ELH? an ELH is defined by an alphabet
set of events that the entity might participate in often implicit sequences set of all possible sequences of events each sequence represents a complete lifetime finiteness alphabet is finite and small (eg, < 20 events) sequence set is almost always infinite (because of ‘loops’) sequences are always finite composition of behaviours how does a system of entities behave? a sequence of events can happen if allowed by every entity entities ignore events not in their alphabet but never ignore events in their alphabet the entity that has one event e and no sequences prevents e from occurring 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

4 comparison to CSP what is CSP?
Communicating Sequential Processes, Hoare 1985 a model of concurrency and communication inspired Ada rendezvous (and the occam language) processes communicate and synchronize by participating in shared events first simple theory of concurrency notion of traces: sequences of events internal and external choice algebraic rules for reasoning about processes how our approach differs more interested in description than theory in CSP, traces are ‘prefix-closed’ if s ^ t is a trace, so is s but our sequences are complete in CSP, hard to put sequential processes together essential for ELHs 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

5 notation 1: regular expressions
basic idea an expression is a specification it denotes the set of sequences satisfying the spec elements expression what satisfies it e a seq consisting of just the event e E F a seq consisting of a seq satisfying E, then one satisfying F E | F a seq satisfying E or F [E] a seq satisfying E or the empty sequence E* the empty sequence, or a seq consisting of a series of seqs, each satisfying E E+ a seq consisting of a series of one or more seqs, each satisfying E 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

6 sample regexps coke machine session coin+ (refund | select receive)
coin+ (select-coke getcoke | select-sprite getsprite) bank account open (payin | withdraw)* close windows laptop session unpack boot coffee login coffee (read | getquotes)* shutdown curse pack 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

7 notation 2: regular grammar
basic idea sequences are those that can be ‘derived’ during derivation, a sequence may contain SYMBOLs as well as events a symbol represents a sequence of events to derive a sequence start with the special start symbol (usually the first) apply its production, obtaining a sequence of events and symbols apply a production to each symbol stop when sequence contains only events productions kind written like this derivation rule sequence symbol ::= S1 S2 … replace symbol by S1 followed by S2 selection symbol ::= S1 | S2 | … replace symbol by S1 or S2 iteration symbol ::= S* replace symbol by zero or more copies of S S is event, symbol or special empty sequence marker  note really just regexps with names for all subexprs, not a traditional regular grammar 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

8 sample grammars how I’d like my printer to work
PRINTER ::= warmup JOBS shutdown JOBS ::= JOB* JOB ::= seltray printcover PAGES notify PAGES ::= printpage* journal submission process SUBMISSION ::= FAILURE | SUCCESS FAILURE ::= receive GOAROUNDS REVIEW reject SUCCESS ::= receive GOAROUNDS REVIEW accept GOAROUNDS ::= GOAROUND* GOAROUND ::= REVIEW say-revise resubmit REVIEW ::= DISTRIBUTE COLLECT DISTRIBUTE ::= send-out* COLLECT ::= receive-review* questions what if send-outs and receive-reviews are interleaved? what if reviewer never responds? 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

9 diagrammatic form of grammar
PRINTER warmup JOBS shutdown JOB notify seltray printcover PAGES printpage * 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

10 notation 3: machines basic idea nodes of graph represent states
special start and end states arcs are labelled with events a sequence is allowed if it takes you on a path from start to end state hicharts useful elaboration from Statecharts [Harel, 1999] in addition to basic states allow sets of states show as contour (like Venn diagram) arc leaving a state contour is short for collection of arcs leaving each internal state 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

11 sample machine cruise control OFF is start and end state
what if brake in READY state? READY on set cancel set off OFF CRUISE brake resume SUSPEND 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

12 comparison of notations
expression very succinct, awkward to read if big good for simple ELHs grammar naming of subsequences useful structure more apparent jumps are hard to express good for highly structured, complex ELHs machine no sequence structure good for complex ELHs with jumps (reversal, abort, etc) examples CD player controller? workflow system? aircraft handoff protocol? 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

13 stylistic issues choosing events scope: which to include?
abstraction: at what level? example: phone call is connect event relevant? is dialling a single event? expressing structure any ELH can be expressed as (e1 | e2 | … )* but no use! want to express as much structure as you can without ELH becoming obscure common mistake of novices don’t recognize subsequences too many special cases, single event selections example: text justification input structure is: space* alpha* (space+ alpha+)* space* 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

14 roles problem sequencing constraints apply to subsets of the events
constructing a single grammar is awkward solution express ELH as several concurrent processes each is called a role example film star life has four events marry, divorce, hire, fire marry/divorce alternate, hire/fire alternate express as two roles EMPLOYMENT-ROLE ::= (hire fire)* MARRIAGE-ROLE ::= (marry divorce)* more useful than machine consider elaborating a role eg, (hire pay fire)* divorce unmarried unemployed married unemployed marry fire hire hire fire unmarried employed married employed marry divorce 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

15 roles with shared events
a complication roles are not always independent if roles share events, they are viewed as happening simultaneously event cannot occur in one role and not in the other example: runway usage RESERVE-ROLE ::= (reserve block unblock)* BLOCKING-ROLE ::= ((block unblock) | land | enter)* OCCUPANCY-ROLE ::= ((land taxi) | (enter leave) | (enter takeoff))* is this realistic? no, because we can’t prevent aircraft from landing when runway is blocked 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

16 event classification problem
only some occurrences of an event are relevant to an entity or role which depends on context (ie, occurrence of events previously) resolving context would complicate process description can’t just abstract, because solution separate classification of event from its effect and constraints express classification in a description that does not constrain the event examples classify land and enter events when blocked as violations: BLOCKING-ROLE ::= ((block [land/violation | enter/violation] unblock) | land | enter)* classify hook flash depending on whether call is waiting (flash/req-tone)* … connect … callwaitsig (flash/switch)* classify braking et al as cancellations in cruise control in a separate role, accept brake with self transition in every state for CRUISE state, mark self transition with brake/cancel semantics for event classification is a research problem 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

17 example: assignment of aircraft to RAs (OM)
ACTIVE holds AIRCRAFT * * RA INACTIVE ! owns UNASS ASSIGNED * 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

18 example: assignment of aircraft to RAs (ELH)
events receive_FP become_active assign_to_RA unassign become_inactive grammar AC-RA-ROLE ::= receive_fp become_active ASSIGNMENTS become_inactive ASSIGNMENTS ::= ASSIGNMENT* ASSIGNMENT ::= assign_to_RA unassign problems what if receive_fp and become_active occur simultaneously? become_active may occur before receive_fp, but not assigned until both have occurred may become active again aircraft may become inactive during assignment 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

19 lackwit what it does given a variable, lists other variables that may share the same value ie, shows where values go and come from by variable, i mean any C expression for a memory location eg, globalStruct->[0] can name arguments and locals of functions funcName:argument will produce textual list, or graph showing flows how it differs from grep no lexical snags will find relevant vars even if names don’t match only includes var if there is some path in the code between the vars how to use it execute lackwit/bin/BackEnd type searchlocal funName:expr 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

20 sample lackwit run > BackEnd …
Enter your command ('help' for help): searchlocal remove_flight_plan:ac->ra_index (/net/geyer/g2/ctas/lackwit/ctas-src/realtime_procs/comm_mgr/update_aircraft.c:1525) set_inactive:ac->ra_index (/net/geyer/g2/ctas/lackwit/ctas-src/realtime_procs/comm_mgr/distribute_ac.c:345) get_index_of_next_available_ra:j (/net/geyer/g2/ctas/lackwit/ctas-src/realtime_procs/comm_mgr/distribute_ac.c:343) /net/geyer/g2/ctas/lackwit/ctas-src/realtime_procs/comm_mgr/distribute_ac.c#last_ra_index (/net/geyer/g2/ctas/lackwit/ctas-src/realtime_procs/comm_mgr/distribute_ac.c:228) /net/geyer/g2/ctas/lackwit/ctas-src/realtime_procs/comm_mgr/distribute_ac.c#assign_ac_to_the_ra_with_the_fewest_ac:min_ra_index (/net/geyer/g2/ctas/lackwit/ctas-src/realtime_procs/comm_mgr/distribute_ac.c:227) /net/geyer/g2/ctas/lackwit/ctas-src/realtime_procs/comm_mgr/distribute_ac.c#assign_ac_to_the_ra_with_the_fewest_ac:ac->ra_index (/net/geyer/g2/ctas/lackwit/ctas-src/realtime_procs/comm_mgr/distribute_ac.c:180) decrement_number_of_ac_in_one_active_ra:ra_index Enter your command ('help' for help): 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

21 example: aircraft in center (unused slide)
aircraft life AIRCRAFT ::= receiveFP GHOSTCOMPS becomeActive COMPUTES allocateRunway freeze LEAVE GHOSTCOMPS ::= COMPUTES HOVERS HOVERS ::= hovers* COMPUTES ::= COMPUTE* COMPUTE ::= compFixSTA compRunwaySTA adjustFixSTA compOMASTA LEAVE ::= depart | land elaborations ac becomes active before FP is received? redo runway allocations after freeze? becomes active after freeze horizon? 12/6/2018 daniel jackson

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