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Transportation Research Institute (IMOB)-Universtiet Hasselt

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1 Transportation Research Institute (IMOB)-Universtiet Hasselt
Pro-environmental behavioural change: Role of personalized informational intervention Muhammad Adnan Transportation Research Institute (IMOB)-Universtiet Hasselt 06/12/2018

2 Pro-Environmental Behaviour
Use of sustainable mode of transport for travel Bicycle Walk Public Transport Lesser exposure to air pollutants Avoiding cold start of vehicle engine 06/12/2018

3 Our Approach Data Types Activity-travel (via Smart Phone)
Pollutant Concentration Transportation Supply Metrological conditions Informational Intervention Instrument Pro-Environmental Behavioural Change 06/12/2018

4 Informational Intervention
Advices on pro-environmental activity-travel pattern Focus is on relatively flexible activities/trips Short distant trips Non-mandatory activities Highlighting benefits of potential changes…based on their personal schedules Individual level and Societal level Mention of good examples and taking their commitments 06/12/2018

5 Experimental Settings (ABA Design)
Workshop with Co-creation - Training of the app Introduction of the behavioural intervention study Filling up of small questionnaire (socio-demographic attributes, psychographic attributes etc. ) After workshop Data collection Before (at least 1 week) Behavioural Intervention Data collection After (at least 1 week) Feedback Workshop (after 3 months) 06/12/2018

6 Details of Experiment (1)
Data was collected before and after the behavioural intervention using mobile app “SPARROWS” developed at IMOB, UH. SPARROW is an android based app. Collected GPS probe data is processed in terms of stops and trips. To develop a complete activity-travel diary, participant are required to annotate activity purpose and travel mode using a prompt recall method. 06/12/2018

7 Details of Experiment (2)
Consequences of my behavoiur Behavioural Intervention instrument: Customized processed information to each individual about their Exposure to pollutants Car-use and CO2 Emissions Physical Activity Involvement Hot and Cold starts Vehicle Engine What other people are doing? An average level of consequences of others (as a group) will also be shown to each individual Exploring potentials for behavioural change and advices focus on relatively easier/flexible travel behaviour Short trips within 1-km and 3-km by active travel modes (walk and bicycle) Replaceable car trips from reasonable Public transport option Reduce participation in non-mandatory outdoor activities Chaining activities Taking customised commitments from Individuals E.g. Replace car trips from public transport trip at least 2 per week As a group, where I am standing How I can contribute 06/12/2018

8 Replaceable Potential Algorithm Rules-An Example
Short distant trips Bicycle (0-3 km) Availability of bicycle infrastructure (Bike lane, Bicycle availability) Bicycle path gradient Age <= 60 and ability to ride a bicycle Not an intermediary trip of a complex activity-travel pattern that include other long distance trip Weather condition Temperature Drive alone trip Not carrying large quantity of goods Start time of activity at destination is flexible Activity at destination is not pick-up type 06/12/2018

9 Implementation in Hasselt
The study started with recruitment of 53 citizens from Hasselt. Participants were Adult, regular Car users and possess valid driving license. Recruitment was done with stakeholders support (Stad Hasselt) along with spreading the news about the study on different forums/social media platforms. Study was conducted from end of June till Mid August Pollutant concentration data for exposure analysis – available in 1km x 1km resolution for each hour of the day 06/12/2018

10 Key Findings (1) Car Trips Composition
Analysis of activity travel behaviour of individual indicated significant potential for changing relatively easier behaviour Car Trips Composition Trips Within 1 km Trips Within 1 km replaceable by walk Trips Within 3 km Trips Within 3 km replaceable by bike Total trips Total Trips replaceable by PT 82 44 192 80 06/12/2018

11 Key Findings (2) 40% of participants responded (YES) to the question phrased as did you change your transport routine? If you select YES, then please explain why? Those who responded (NO), have positive opinion on increased awareness about impacts of their pattern. Statistical analysis of control and treatment group indicates that there is significant Reduction in car use for short trips (under 3 km), which in turn causes significant increase in use of active travel modes (more on bicycling) No significant changes are observed for increase use of PT and decrease in cold starts. 06/12/2018

12 Feedback Workshop Findings
Most of the participants observed their commitments during the first month after the intervention. Periodic campaigns/integrated app that not only track but also provide information on consequence of the travel behaviour should be the next steps to improve the intervention. Participants wanted to have More precise information on routes and departure times More precise information on health impacts of their travel behaviour 06/12/2018

13 Next Steps Implementation in other iSCAPE cities
Improving the informational instrument in terms of the following; More precise source of pollutant concentration data, which in turn help including other dimensions in the study (such as routes and departure times) More information from the users regarding activity and trip constraints An integrated mobile app that provide advices and nudge the users for pro-environmental behaviour (having the learning capability) 06/12/2018

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