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Erwin Yap, David Weinberg Vanderbilt University

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1 Erwin Yap, David Weinberg Vanderbilt University 2009.11.17
Rehabilitation Database for TBI Patients (BME 272: Oral Presentation #1) Erwin Yap, David Weinberg Vanderbilt University 1 BME 272 | 11/17/2009 | © 2009 Vanderbilt University. All rights reserved.

2 Presentation Outline 1. Motivation 2. Objectives 3. Project Goals
4. Current Progress 5. Future Plans 6. Performance Indicators Hey guys, you can adapt this slide to the topics you both have. 2 BME 255W | 9/9/2009 | © 2009 Vanderbilt University. All rights reserved.

3 Motivation What is a Traumatic Brain Injury? Who are affected?
Why do we care? How can we help? What? Blow to the head, disrupting the function of the head. Short-term memory lost and attention/ The sudden onset of traumatic brain injury is a stealer of normal livelihood. TBI is the major cause of disability and death worldwide. Who? 1.4 million in the us experience tbi in the us, die, are hospitalized, 1.1 million go through extensive rehab therapy. TBI occurs in falls (28%), car accidents (20%), struck by events (19%) and assaults (11%). 5.3 million Americans, approximately 2% of the US population, currently have a long-term or lifelong need. $60 billion costs of TBI, direct and indirect cost due to lost of productivity. How? Better rehab tool. Problem: Learning new information

4 Objectives Improve short and long term memory
Help the TBI patients become competitive in the job market after the injury. Integrate technology into education 2nd: improve their short-term memory, ability to learn new information and retrive it later.

5 Current Goals To analyze patients’ strengths and weaknesses on an assembly process. To focus on the steps of concern by adding more details and automatically provide feedback to the users. To get IRB approval

6 Previous Methods Making lists Practical Exercises Use of datebooks
Taking notes Use of visual simulation

7 Current Progress Review existing third-party software for our visualization tool Screening tests for memory function Create specific target group (21-40) Training with CAD software (Solidworks) Training with Adobe Suite We want a visualization tool to react realtime

8 Future Plans Developing the website Clinical Research PHP/SQL
Interactive Tool (CAD) Feedback Mechanism Clinical Research Work with Vanderbilt Neurosurgery Control Group RedCap an IRB

9 Example

10 Performance Indicators
Percentage of steps completed with a 100% accuracy Time required for step to step completion Cost of implementation

11 References [1] [2] Finkelstein E, Corso P, Miller T and associates. The Incidence and Economic Burden of Injuries in the United States. New York (NY): Oxford University Press; 2006.

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