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Nursing in the Royal Navy Nursing, Medical, Dental Recruiter

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Presentation on theme: "Nursing in the Royal Navy Nursing, Medical, Dental Recruiter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nursing in the Royal Navy Nursing, Medical, Dental Recruiter
PONN Nick Goodchild Nursing, Medical, Dental Recruiter Royal Navy

2 What the Royal Navy Do?

3 What is a Naval Nurse? ‘Caring for Extraordinary People In Extra Ordinary Places’ Highly motivated Skilled not only clinically, but in Leadership and Management Versatile and adaptable Leaders

4 Where we work? HMNB Clyde HMS Queen Elizabeth RCDM DMG South West

5 DMG Mission Statement “To provide highly capable secondary care personnel for operations and to deliver the Role 4 patient pathway in order to support the physical and moral components of fighting power.” Achieved through: Clinical Training Military Training Adventurous Training Contingency Specific Exercises

6 “Noah Built the Ark Before it Rained !”

7 Role 1 Primary Health Care Sickbays Medical centres Mental Health
Emergency Action Medical Receiving Station

8 Role 2- Damage Control Surgery
Role 2 Afloat Commando Forward Surgical Group

9 Role 3-Primary Casualty Receiving Facility
RFA ARGUS 150 Medical Staff 100 Beds A+E 10 x ITU 20 x HDU 4 x Theatres 70 x Ward beds CT Scanner Xray department Labs

10 Newly Qualified? Apply now! Competency based interview & presentation
12-18 month preceptorship program with rotation On going education Advancing Practice

11 Specialities Emergency Care Intensive Care Primary Health Care
Theatre Nurses Mental Health Burns and Plastics Infection Control Opthalmic nurses

12 Mental Health/Primary Care
Community Based Occupational health related Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Alcohol and Substance Misuse

13 What else do we do?

14 OP GRITROCK Oct 2014 –Apr 2015

15 Follow us! @QARNNS @RoyalNavy @RNJobsUK Royal Navy Recruitment
Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service Journal of the Royal Navy Medical Services


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