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Agenda item 4 EW-MFA Part 2 Early estimates for EW-MFA RMC estimates

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1 Agenda item 4 EW-MFA Part 2 Early estimates for EW-MFA RMC estimates
Working Group Environmental Accounts Meeting 19–20 March 2013

2 Early estimates EW-MFA: Introduction
Policy demand for more timely EW-MFA data is high Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) is currently leading indicator for the EU initiative on Resource Efficiency Eurostat has planned the following…

3 Early estimates EW-MFA: ref.year 2011
27 Member States + aggregated EU-27 Detailed level (i.e. MF 3-digit) Approach: Some countries reported already (completly or partly) Remaining countries are added “manually” (in the course of gap-filling time series) Tables B to E: COMEXT (Eurostat foreign trade) Table A: national sources (websites, annual yearbooks), Eurostat statistics, geological surveys Publishing (Eurobase): planned March-April 2013

4 Early estimates EW-MFA: ref.year 2012
27 Member States + aggregated EU-27 Main MF categories (i.e. MF 1-digit) Approach: Simple regression models (Table A) Predictors needed: timely available, good fitting April-June 2013: searching and testing predictors July-Sept 2013: model calculations Publishing (Eurobase): hopefully autumn 2013

5 RMC-estimation: Introduction
The Raw Material Consumption (RMC) indicator overcomes a particular weakness of DMC RMC considers imports and exports in their “Raw Material Equivalents (RME)” = modelling needed => Eurostat model for aggregated EU-27 economy

6 Eurostat RME-model (EU-27)
Environmentally extended Input-Output model: 166x166 products and homogenous production branches Hybrid use structures (monetary & physical) 35 LCA-products not produced in Europe (fuels, metals) NACE rev.1.1 Detailed material breakdown (MF 3-digit) Starting with reference year 2000 – annually up-dated

7 Eurostat RME-model (EU-27)
Model inputs (annually calibrated): EW-MFA data sets ESA Input-Output tables External trade statistics (COMEXT) Energy statistics, agriculture statistics, national accounts etc.

8 Eurostat RME-model (EU-27)
Model outputs: Imports in RME Domestic Extraction Used (DEU) Exports in RME => RMC = DEU + IMP_RME – EXP_RME By-product: RME coefficients by categories of final use

9 Eurostat RME-model (EU-27) Work Planning 2013
Up-dating the model (gathering of input parameters) Model calculations Publication: mid year 2013 (reference period )

10 RMC estimates on country level
DG ENV would like to have RMC for country benchmarking Yet, there is no clear strategy on how to obtain? Various statistical-technical problems => MFA Task Force meeting: June 2013

11 The Working Group is asked:
To take note of the work done so far To endorse the planning for the future work in particular, to express their view on: the strategy for early estimates RMC estimates on country level

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