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Billing Implementation: Importing, Customizing, and Running Bills

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2 Billing Implementation: Importing, Customizing, and Running Bills

3 Introduction Setting Expectations Getting Data Out of Their Old System
Importing Customizing Billing Settings Billing Training

4 Billing Conversion Types
WIP Matter Level AR Balances Open Bills (AR) Full Billing History Trust Balances Full Trust History Multiple Trust Accounts per Matter Multiple Bank Accounts for Trust

5 Electronic Billing (LEDES, UTBMS, LSS)
Often used by firms that have banks and insurance companies as clients. Current includes LEDES98B and LSS formats. Example:

6 Electronic Billing (LEDES, UTBMS, LSS)
Find and import Matter fields from old system: CLIENT_ID, LAW_FIRM_MATTER_ID, CLIENT_MATTER_ID Find and set user fields from old system: TIMEKEEPER_ID, TIMEKEEPER_NAME, TIMEKEEPER_CLASSIFICATION Find and set the law firm’s ID: (usually their Tax ID number). Determine how they handle INVOICE_DESCRIPTION Blank Name of the matter FINAL INVOICE Custom message on each bill Find and set which matters and/or clients use E-billing. Setup the billing code settings appropriately.

7 Rate Tables Find billing rates from old system and create them in Centerbase Client rates, Matter rates, or both? User rates, Group rates, or both? Import/set rate tables on matters/clients Setup non-billable matters Mark as non-billable. Exclude from generate bills.

8 Invoice Recipients Determine where they store the bill-to address for bills/matters/contacts in their current system so it can be properly imported into Centerbase: Bill To Contact Name Bill To Company Name Bill To Address Determine where they store recipients for bills/matters/contacts in their current system Client Accepts Bill by ? Bill to Address(s)

9 Other Billing Settings
Trust replenishment Interest rates Fee rounding Origination

10 New Tools Available Importing to user lookup fields (Timekeeper)
Customizing bill templates (CSHTML + CBSettings) Post Processing Tools (System Settings -> Utilities)

11 Validation Total Formulas
Import the total/balance fields from the old system into a custom number field on billing entries, payments, invoices, etc. Setup a custom formula field that calculates the difference between the Centerbase total/balance and the old system’s total/balance. Search for any items where this formula does not equal zero. Places to Use the Total Formulas Make sure the total of each billing entry matches the previous system. Make sure the total of each bill matches the previous system. Make sure the balance of each bill matches. Report Comparison Make sure Total WIP and WIP by Matter is correct. Make sure Total AR and AR by Matter is correct. Make sure Total Trust and Trust by Matter is correct.

12 Red Flags Billing Entries without a billing code or matter
Billing entries not marked as time or expense Time Entries without a timekeeper Billing Codes without a class and type (time/expense/UTBMS codes) Expense Billing Codes without an expense type (hard/soft) Negative Billing Entries, invoices, or payments Invoices with a negative balance (overpaid) Payments with a negative balance (overapplied) Negative Trust Balances Aged AR all showing up under Current Age

13 Conclusion It all comes down to numbers and expectations


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