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Country report - Portugal

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1 Country report - Portugal
Task Force on the integration of statistics and geospatial information item 6 of the agenda

2 Legal context The legal situation regulating georeferencing statistics in Portugal is mainly based on the: Transposition of the INSPIRE directive to the national law Recently national law, that obliges the municipal authorities, when they report construction statistical data to Statistics Portugal, to georeference the new buildings and the demolished buildings that are licensed

3 Legal context Missing regulation:
To achieve a full integration of statistics and geospatial information it would be necessary to create legislation for the constitution of official national geographic datasets for: addresses, buildings and dwellings, network roads having unique national identification numbers, to be shared by all public authorities in their specific information systems Missing regulation necessary to achieve full integration of statistics and geospatial information:

4 Formal responsible Institutions
INSPIRE PT implementation Statistics Portugal are involved in four out of eleven working groups and in five themes/annex Leader of WG02 WG Annex / Theme Formal responsible Institutions WG01 I.1 Reference systems IGP, IGEOE, IH I.2 Geographical grid systems IGP, IGEOE I.3 Geographical names IGP, IGEOE, IH, INE PT, INAG, APA, CTT II.1 Elevation IGP, IGEOE, IH, INAG WG02 I.4 Administrative units IGP, IGEOE, INAG I.5 Addresses INE PT, CIM, CTT IIII.1 Statistical units IGP, INE PT, CTT III.10 Population distribution — demography INE PT WG03 I.6 Cadastral parcels IGP, DGCI, INAG III.2 Buildings IGP, IGEOE, INE PT, IHRU, DGCI Metadata and Services WG APA, DGOT-DU,DRIGOT-RAM, INAG IP, IGeoE, IGP, IH, INE PT, LNEG I.P, SRCTE- RAA, ANMP (Câmara Municipal de Cascais) Construção dos metadados em no MIG? Publicação dos metadados no SNIG Praparar serviços INSPIRE através de open source LINUX + MAPSERVER

5 Organisational setup How georeferencing activities are organised:
At Statistics Portugal there is a specific Georeferencing Unit that is integrated in the Methodology and Information Systems Department The Georeferencing Unit has 25 technicians dispersed over the country in 5 regional delegations The Georeferencing Unit is responsible for the development of the Spatial Data Infrastructure to support the production and dissemination of official statistics – GIS processes, editing and data quality control Please describe how georeferencing activities are organised in your NSI. This Unit is responsible by editing and quality control of the data.

6 Organisational setup Powers to enforce georeferencing activities in official statistics: The best way to enforce georeferencing activities in Statistics Portugal is to demonstrate the potentialities of geospatial information for the production and dissemination of statistical data: We have made presentations, on the statistics Portugal Spatial Data Infrastructure, to all the services within the Methodology Department and to services of other departments We are including geospatial data at the very beginning of the statistical production process by georeferencing the basic statistical units We are including geospatial data within the Sampling Frame - the European GRID as the basis of our sampling frame Please describe your powers to enforce georeferencing activities in official statistics.

7 Organisational setup We are promoting the production of the news territorial statistics indicators combining geographical data with statistical data through spatial analysis techniques Ability to produce statistical information from administrative registers from several sources, having a common organizational model; The use of administrative data sources for statistics production processes, specially for small statistical units, requires an address with a pair of coordinates The development of common georeference framework (for statistical purposes) with the other national public institutions, specially with the municipalities – the same boundaries and the same identifiers Please describe your powers to enforce georeferencing activities in official statistics.

8 The role of SDI for statistics Data collection
Through a web application, developed in ArcgisServer for Flex, we can provide the exact location of household units that interviewers must inquire on the field Spatial Data Infrastructure for statistical production

9 The role of SDI for statistics New territorial statistical indicators
Statistics Portugal is developing an experimental set of territorial accessibility indicators as a result of the combination of already available statistical data. The combination of geographical data with statistical data is carried out through spatial analysis techniques with the future goal of regularly producing accessibility indicators Territorial potential accessibility to basic education/1st cycle – by foot (LAU2) Spatial Data Infrastructure for statistical production

10 Download census boundaries
The role of SDI for statistics Dissemination of (geo)statistical information The geoinformation is present in official statistics portal through: Tools to explore the spatial units used for statistical production and dissemination Interactive thematic maps Engine to download census spatial units Explore spatial units Explore Census small areas Interactive thematic maps Download census boundaries Read bullet 1 [click] Read bullet 2 Read bullet 3

11 Organisational setup The integration of the spatial component in all stages of the statistical production process will enhance efficiency and accuracy within several domains of the Statistics Portugal: Sampling Data collection Availability of new territorial statistical data Dissemination of (geo)statistical information Currently several main statistical activities already benefit from support by the SDI Please describe your powers to enforce georeferencing activities in official statistics.

12 Organisational setup How Statistics Portugal cooperates with other public authorities in charge of geospatial information: Statistics Portugal cooperates with Municipal authorities, especially for the: Definition of the Census statistical units Update of our point based Buildings spatial Dataset and households register Together with other public authorities we are a member of the working groups INSPIRE PT for the implementation of the Datasets of the themes which are our co-responsibility Please describe how your NSI cooperates with other public authorities in charge of geospatial information. Usually the cooperation between the organizations are supported by Protocols

13 Data sources Used for georeferenced statistics: We would like to have:
Orthophotograph and Official Administrative Boundaries from the National Geographical Institute Municipal Road network - private cover and data from the Municipalities Publicly available Mapservices (imagery, streets) Census data Municipality Construction statistics We would like to have: Dataset of the non residential buildings Please list your data sources used for georeferenced statistics, both statistical and geospatial. Are there data sources you would like to have but cannot/ do not exist at the moment?

14 Technical situation Success stories in shared databases:
The Tax Revenue Service uses the geograhy of our statistical units as the starting base for the definition of real estate tax coefficients We provide several mapservices with our principal datasets for different public authorities We collaborate with the national mapping agency for the definition of the administrative boundaries Please describe success stories in shared databases with other geospatial organisations, georeferenced data warehouses, linkage of geospatial information and statistics, etc. all supporting the integration of statistics and geospatial information.

15 Production process and products
Georeferenced statistical products / Official European statistics? Several indicator georeferenced on parish and municipal level - available through our portal Census data for small statistics areas Please describe your users (internal and external) and what they are asking for: Public institutions, General public, Local authorities, Educational and Research Institutes, Businesses Thematic maps Please describe your georeferenced statistical products. Which statistical products should become official European statistics? Please describe your users (internal and external) and what they are asking for.

16 European harmonisation
Where European harmonisation is necessary to be able to create European georeferenced statistics: Harmonization of the production processes Harmonization of datasets and metadata Obstacles for a better integration and where you think European harmonisation could help to remove them: Nonexistence of national geographical databases common to all public entities

17 European harmonisation
Vision on the cooperation between mapping agencies and NSI at the European level: Both entities are linked, however their perception of the use of geographical data is not always the same The main concern of the NSI is the usability within production statistical process. Integration of core NSI geostatistical datasets and core NMA geographical datasets

18 Priorities What ESS should tackle first to have the biggest effect:
Harmonization of the production processes, datasets and metadata Practical Implementation of INSPIRE Frame work for the statistical themes Your current production process is ideal? If not, what would need to be changed if you have three wishes free? Our current production process is not ideal since it is influenced by a number of limitations, our 3 wishes are: Availability of official national geographic datasets - addresses, buildings and dwellings, network roads Ability to produce statistical information for small areas from administrative registers Adaptation of the existing technological infrastructure to meet the requirements of INSPIRE Please describe what according to you the ESS should tackle first to have the biggest effect:

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