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يوم خدمة الشباب العالمي 2016

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Presentation on theme: "يوم خدمة الشباب العالمي 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 يوم خدمة الشباب العالمي 2016
شباب تغيير العالم Please, do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Please do not change YSA Logo location or size. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Never at top corners. See above. All presentations should reinforce YSA’s brand. Please ask Communications if you have questions.

2 Who We Are اسامة مصطفي سليمان
مساعد منسق برامج (الهلال الأحمر السوداني) الممثل الإقليمي للرابطة الدولية للجهود التطوعية بالوطن العربي كريس واجنر مدير الشراكات في YSA العودة من فيلق السلام التطوعي تايلند ( ). مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية. قائد المتطوعين وفيستا في AmeriCorps Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. راضية منا مدير المشروع متطوعي الشباب العالمي Insert partner logo if necessary

3 ماهي الخطة؟ YSA (خدمة شباب أمريكا)
اليوم العالمي لخدمة الشباب (GYSD) 2016 اختيار، خطة، المشاركة، وتشجيع على الرابطة الدولية للجهود التطوعية الإجابة على أسئلتك Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. قيادة وكالة يونايتد واي إل باسو كرستو كاساس بور- الأيدي العالمي

4 خدمة شباب أميركا - YSA غير ربحية بموجب القانون الأمريكي 501c3
تأسست في عام 1986 خدمة وطنية اسمك المهمة: YSA يساعد الشباب على إيجاد صوتهم، واتخاذ إجراءات، وجعل لها تأثير على قضايا المجتمع الحيوية. رؤية: ثقافة عالمية من الأطفال العاملين والشباب ملتزمة عمر خدمة مجد والتعلم والقيادة. Please do not alter this About YSA slide. If there is more information you would like to include, please create an additional slide or discuss in your presentation. Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. 2015 GYSD شريك المجتمع في نيبال المجلس الوطني للشباب

5 رسالة YSA’s أنشطة YSA والتدريب والدعم، وتعريف الشباب والشركاء الكبار من خلال استراتيجيات البرنامج التالي: تحريك الحملات Please do not alter this About YSA slide. If there is more information you would like to include, please create an additional slide or discuss in your presentation. Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. الموارد والتدريب المنح الجوائز

6 يوم خدمة الشباب العالمية GYSD
Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. Insert partner logo if necessary

7 المنح Insert partner logo if necessary
Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. Insert partner logo if necessary

8 الموارد والتدريب
Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. Insert partner logo if necessary

9 الجوائز Insert partner logo if necessary
Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. Insert partner logo if necessary

10 يوم الخدمة العالمي للشباب 2016
الجمعة 15 أبريل إلى الأحد أبريل 17. أكبر حدث الخدمة في العالم، واليوم الوحيد من خدمة مخصصة للأطفال والشباب. الحجم والنطاق، منطقة العدد حتى أنت! يوم الخدمة برعاية YSA. Do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. (تمكين المرأة لمحو الأمية منظمة التنمية) بلادي الخضراء النظيفة مشروع مدرسة في مدرسة محلية في باكستان.

11 تأثير يوم الخدمة العالمي للشباب في 2015
Do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus.

12 إختيار، خطة، الموقع، التشجيع
Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. Insert partner logo if necessary

13 إختيار
Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. Insert partner logo if necessary

14 الخطة
Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. Insert partner logo if necessary

15 الموقع
Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. Insert partner logo if necessary

16 التشجيع
Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. Insert partner logo if necessary

17 اهداف التنمية المستدامة (SDG)
Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. Insert partner logo if necessary

18 الرابطة الدولية للجهود التطوعية
Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. IAVE هي المنظمة الدولية الوحيدة التي لها هدف لتشجيع، تعزيز والإحتفال وتطوير العمل التطوعي في جميع أنحاء العالم Insert partner logo if necessary

19 الرابطة الدولية للجهود التطوعية
Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. Insert partner logo if necessary

20 الرابطة الدولية للجهود التطوعية
Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. Insert partner logo if necessary

21 الرابطة الدولية للجهود التطوعية
Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. Insert partner logo if necessary

22 @YouthServiceAmerica
Tag Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram posts Use #GYSD for Global Youth Service Day and #IAVE Tag your Flickr images “GYSD” and “IAVE” Please do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Partner logos go at bottom of page. Tips: Use bullets and short sentences. Try to keep each sentence to one line without text wrapping. Remember, some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be chopped off. The average adult attention span for a presentation is just 20 minutes. Insert a slide with a social media message, a great video, or story to let the audience relax and maintain their focus. تغريد فيس بوك إنستاجرام يوتوب @YouthService @IAVE @YouthServiceAmerica @IAVEofficial @YouthService #IAVE @YouthService @IAVEofficial Insert partner logo if necessary

23 شكرا لمشاركتك! Questions?
Do not change colors or font size. Font is Calibri. Please do not alter social media. Please mention that people can visit for more information. Questions? Like us on Follow us on Follow us on LinkedIn at Youth Service America

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