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Capturing the best from the voices of Service and Veterans’ Children.

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Presentation on theme: "Capturing the best from the voices of Service and Veterans’ Children."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capturing the best from the voices of Service and Veterans’ Children.
Intro 2 mins Military Kids Club Heroes

2 So… who is the Service or Veterans’ child?
Hopes? Fears and challenges? Aspirations? Opportunities? 6 mins quartered paper

3 Capturing hard to reach voices.
What methods do you use to understand the needs of Service and Veterans children and how do you know that they are represented accurately ? Which methods are most successful and which are least successful? How do you know?

4 A closer look at “reality” The way in which we interpret the world around us.
Take a look at the image – write down what you see - what do you see? We are all looking at exactly the same image, why do you think we have different interpretations of what we see?

5 Interpreting reality. “[In simple philosophical terms,]… Ontology may describe how we as individuals experience “reality”. Our instinct of what is “real and true” may be influenced and constructed by the values, beliefs and cultural references we assimilate over time.” (Jean François Lyotard (1979) the Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. Reprinted in English (2004) Manchester University Press. From the school of phenomenology. Encourages us to consider and critically evaluate how we as individuals are influenced. Encourages us to consider if what we assume to be real is real. Leyotard: The Postmodern Condition[edit] Lyotard is a skeptic for modern cultural thought. The impact of the postmodern condition was to provoke skepticism about universalizing theories. Lyotard argues that we have outgrown our needs for grand narratives due to the advancement of techniques and technologies since WWII. He argues against the possibility of justifying the narratives that bring together disciplines and social practices, such as science and culture; "the narratives we tell to justify a single set of laws and stakes are inherently unjust."[18] A loss of faith in meta-narratives has an effect on how we view science, art, and literature. Little narratives have now become the appropriate way for explaining social transformations and political problems. Lyotard argues that this is the driving force behind postmodern science. As metanarratives fade, science suffers a loss of faith in its search for truth, and therefore must find other ways of legitimating its efforts. Connected to this scientific legitimacy is the growing dominance for information machines. Lyotard argues that one day, in order for knowledge to be considered useful, it will have to be converted into computerized data. Years later, this led him into writing his book The Inhuman, published in 1988, in which he illustrates a world where technology has taken over.[19]

6 Interpretation of “Knowledge.”
In simple philosophical terms, “Epistemology” may describe how we all as individuals approach and interpret “knowledge”. (derived from two Greek words: Episteme: “knowledge, understanding.” Logia: “word.” ) “Our instinct of what is “true”, may be influenced and constructed by the values, beliefs and cultural references we assimilate over time.” Lyotard (1979) Page; 47 constructivist realism - Constructivist realism is therefore a position which acknowledges that social phenomena exist in communities quite independent of professional researchers. The real phenomena will be observed and named by members of the natural community, and understood by experienced or wiser people of good judgement’. (Cupchik 2001: 07)

7 Which are likely to be most successful and which least successful?
So…think again… What methods/approaches can you use to understand the needs of Service and Veterans children and how do you know that they will be represented accurately ? Which are likely to be most successful and which least successful? How do you know? 10 mins

8 Using Mertens’ Transformative Research and Evaluation in Practice: (2008)
This approach is a well established methodology in the study of populations including diverse groups. (ethnography) Involving Service and Veterans’ children in consultation and research design at every stage. Enabling them to determine which would be the most effective data collection methods. Engage at every stage of research: sampling, scope of the research, data collection methods to be used, involvement in analysis and drawing conclusions. the richest data is collated where groups are involved at every stage of the research design.

9 Some Options for Consideration form MKC Heroes
Modern British Values and active citizenship Engagement in the democratic process at various levels Expectation that young people can and will influence policy and procedure Consultation events and focus groups Opportunities for intergenerational dialogue Developing leadership skills in research design Networking a collective voice

10 Supporting children who support each other and their families
A comprehensive support network is provided to any casualties and their families Our main aim is to support each other in times of need. Older Heroes, our Ambassadors, are the voice for younger children. We help them and their families to feel safe, loved and understood. The pictures you can see include our Ambassadors awards event; our standard bearer at the Royal Albert Hall and our Military Kids Choir, not to mention the Poppy Bake Off! I am a senior choir member and lead ambassador. We have several standards that attend events alongside your standards, across the country. As you can see, they are a prefect match!

11 Next Steps How will your thinking, today, help you to develop more effective consultation and research activities alongside Service and Veterans’ children?

12 MKC Heroes key words are:
Strength Hope Trust Care Support Friendship Members use these used these words to define what they value. Strength to cope with our challenges. Hope that all will be safe and well. Trust in each other to meet the challenges together. Care for each other and our families. Support for who ever needs it. Friendship to maintain our family bonds and to always be there for each other.

13 Finally…we hope you have heard our voice...
You have heard my voice but it is really the voice of all the MKC Heroes. Our goal is to join up all Service and Veterans’ children, across the Uk and beyond, to help them benefit from our family support, that way we really will all be: ‘Together as One’ and look forward to being ‘Together as One’ with all of you at the Royal British Legion

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