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Acts of the Apostles Primarily Peter Primarily Paul Intron

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1 Acts of the Apostles Primarily Peter Primarily Paul Intron The promise and the preparatn Summary: Witnesses in Jerusalem, all Judea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth” (1:8) I. The witness from Jerusalem through Judea and Samaria to Antioch II. The witness from Antioch through Asia minor and Europe to Rome “Witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth” 2:1 12:25 13:1 28:31 How the Church How the Witness of the Church Began and grew in Jerusalem (Witness in Jerusalem) Expanded in the areas beyond Jerusalem through persecution (witness in Judea & Samaria) Advanced through Paul’s evangelistic travels Greece Advanced through Paul’s arrest and imprisonment Rome 1:1 26 2:1 8:1 8:7 12:25 13:1 19:20 19:21 28:31 (Initial, spontaneous growth) (Formal, official missionary endeavor)

2 Acts: Geographical & Biographical Climax
Geographical Climax Rome Uttermost parts - Earth Chs All Judea and Samaria Chs. 8-12 Climax Jerusalem Chs.2-7 28:11-31 (and Jerusalem) (And Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria) Jews only Jews, Samaritans, God-fearers Jews, Samaritans, God-fearers, Pagan Gentiles Biographical Climax

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