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Presentation on theme: "Appeasement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Appeasement

2 Objectives Today we will be able to respond to the question, “Was appeasement the right policy for England in 1938?” by analyzing numerous primary sources.

3 What is appeasement? To pacify or placate.
The policy that England and France had towards Hitler and Mussolini in the years before WWII.

4 Review of German Troops, 1939
German Rearmament Image retrieved from Review of German Troops, 1939

5 German Aggression German Aggression 1936-1939
Image retrieved from German Aggression

6 Chamberlain and Hitler at the Munich Agreement
Image retrieved from Chamberlain and Hitler at the Munich Agreement

7 Further German Aggression
Image retrieved from Polish city of Wieluń after German bombing September 1, 1939

8 Central Historical Question
Was appeasement the right policy for England in 1938?

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