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How to Support Club Officers

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1 How to Support Club Officers
Jaihee Choi, D15 Lt. Governor Mary Kim Delemos, D34N Lt. Governor

2 Communication

3 Frequent communication Listen Use email for documentation
-make sure to have frequent communication just so that everyone is on the same page -You may have an idea in mind but make sure to listen to others -Sometimes, someone may be mistaken and say that so and so is not what they heard, by ing, you have a clear documentation of what was said. -

4 Communication Give and accept criticism Be open minded
-Be open minded, it’s important to listen to everyone’s ideas and incorporate them into an event. One may always want for things to go a certain way but in order to improve, you must give and accept criticism -

5 Professionalism

6 Professionalism Conduct decisions through instead of social media or texting. Make sure everyone is on board with the decision. Leave your baggage at the door Do not leave anyone out of the loop. Professionalism prevents drama and miscommunication

7 Goals

8 SMART Goals Specific- being specific helps with an exact goal expected to be met Measureable- ex. Number of people at an event, amount of money raised Attainable- Will I be able to carry this out? Realistic- Is it realistic? Time-bound- Set a goal of by when this goal needs to be met.

9 Goals Having goals motivate you as well as the officers and members you serve. Remind the club officers to make club goals. Division goals should also be made. Help remind officers about their goals each month Division and club goals can be about anything, number of people attending FRS/FRN, DCM’s, amount of money raised for PTP or Project Eliminate, etc.

10 Misunderstandings

11 Misunderstandings Again, communication is KEY.
Do not hold grudges against something or someone. -if something went wrong, take that as a learning experience and move on, don’t hold grudges. -don’t keep something bottled in inside, let it out and talk it through

12 Misunderstandings Use any mistake as a LEARNING experience.
Have intervention meetings between the LTG and club officers. Contact the club’s Kiwanis advisor to arrange a meeting between the advisor and the club

13 “Excuses” & Uncooperative Officers

14 Excuses & Uncooperativeness
Remind officers they made a commitment when they signed their service agreement. Take your position seriously and members will take you seriously. Remind officers that they are role models for members Be nice, but also be firm.

15 Excuses & Uncooperativeness
However, sometimes things DO come up! Give them the benefit of the doubt and COMMUNICATE. Understand what they are possibly going through. BEE a friend.


17 Drama Try your best to prevent any drama from happening.
Members will see that if the board is not working together, why should they take the club seriously? Leave your baggage at the door before events “Save the drama for yo mama” Drama is not for the workplace, in this case between the board.

18 Drama Try working out the problem between the people it involves.
If needed, consult advisors or follow the Key Club bylaws. Officers should not let this affect how they serve the club Remind officers to avoid forming ‘cliques’

19 Relationships

20 Relationships Make sure to keep relationships professional.
If you have your best friends on the board with you, keep any friendship problems separate. Romantic relationships can get tricky. Things may get awkward and members can sense that.

21 Questions? Comments? Concerns?

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