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Clarification and Questions on Growing Length and Time Scales in Glass-forming Liquids Ryoichi Yamamoto Kyoto University TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read.

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Presentation on theme: "Clarification and Questions on Growing Length and Time Scales in Glass-forming Liquids Ryoichi Yamamoto Kyoto University TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clarification and Questions on Growing Length and Time Scales in Glass-forming Liquids Ryoichi Yamamoto Kyoto University TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AA

2 Summary of Dasguptas talk Introduced a temporal quantity Q(t 0 ) which is sensitive to particle motions associated with a microscopic length scale a and a lag time t. Then, set a=0.3 and =.

3 Summary of Dasguptas talk average part (later) fluctuating part

4 Summary of Dasguptas talk consistent OK, FSS seems to work for the fluctuating part. Examined FSS for χ 4 and B.

5 Summary of Dasguptas talk FSS doesnt work for the average relaxation time... Next, examined FSS for the structural relaxation time.

6 Summary of Dasguptas talk Q1: FSS seems to work well for the fluctuation part but fails for the average part. Does this statement make sense? Summary so far...

7 Summary of Dasguptas talk Finaly, try FSS for Configurational Entropy. Very interesting results, but still confusing... FSS seems to work for S c, but the fitted values of do not mach with those from χ 4 or B at all. The relaxation time fits very well with AG fitting. Very interesting results, but still confusing... FSS seems to work for S c, but the fitted values of do not mach with those from χ 4 or B at all. The relaxation time fits very well with AG fitting. Q2: What does this result suggest ? Decoupling of glowing time scale and glowing length scale with decreasing system size??

8 Critical Slowing-down (60-early 70) fluctuations in order parameter This is so-called critical slowing-down. Glowing length directly leads to the slowing-down!! need MCT time-space correlation (2-point) Langevin Eq.

9 Glass Transition as CP (late 90-) fluctuations in local dynamics time-space correlation (4-point) 4-point relaxation time (migration time of DH) 2-point relaxation time (usual relaxation time) average relaxation RY&Onuki (97, 98), Glotzer (99), Berthier (04), Weeks (?), IMCT (06),... any physics?? coupling??

10 General Questions 1.What is the true identity of the DH and glowing length scale ξ? a.Any correspondence with static properties? b.Mosaic phase? Hidden order parameters? CRR? How can we identify them??? 2.What is the main role of the glowing length scale ξ? a.We have no proper theory for bridging between glowing length scale (ξ) and glowing time scales ( 4,k, qm ). b.GT vs. CP -> more differences than similarities. c.Does ξ contribute to slowdown the system, or accelerate it? (Remember Weeks talk.) d.Is ξ nothing more than a by-product of slowing-down?

11 Thank you for your attention ! Do you now who I am ? Do you believe in me ? Do you now who I am ? Do you believe in me ?

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