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Extreme Ironing Safety

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1 Extreme Ironing Safety
By: Micaela R. 8F

2 Step 1: Organization 1/1 title of team, team member names on slide 1
​0/ "shared" with 1/ this checklist copy/pasted into slide 2 and 3, self evaluation completed 3/ relevant video 1 from YouTube "inserted" properly (not just the link) on slide 4, explanation of why it was chosen, start and end time written 3/ relevant video 2 from YouTube "inserted" properly slide 5, explanation of why it was chosen, start and end time written

3 Step 2: research 10/1 10 pages of "information"
-keep it to the point, summarized in your own words -title each item 10/ need 20 relevant images total (0.5 points each) -good quality images, need to connect with your slide

4 Step 3: Bonus Song / "summary song" lyrics, where you go over the major points of your research (recommend using a song you already know and just change the words slide (you can just write the song, show the original lyrics, and how you've changed them, or just your own original lyrics)

5 Step 4: Presentation / bonus: song performance, speed, sound quality, volume, skill, getting the words right (can share a video of you doing it if you don't want to perform in front of the class) 4/ verbal presentation quality (confidence, volume, knowledgeable)

6 Video 1 0:00- 0:30 I chose this video because it tells you how extreme ironing was created and who created it.

7 Video 2 0:00- 1:20 I also chose this video because it shows the different kinds of places people go to do extreme ironing.

8 #1 helmet Helmets are used in extreme ironing because most of the time you are high enough above ground to get a concussion. The helmet will protect your head from hitting the ground, floor, etc.

9 #2 Harness Harness’ are used if you are ironing in places such as a mountain or on top of a car. They are made to make sure you don’t fall from places you can’t stand.

10 #3 Ironing Board Ironing boards are an essential in extreme ironing because if you do not have one with you it can be a lot more dangerous because you don’t have a flat surface. Ironing boards are made so you do not have to run the risk of having wrinkly clothes.

11 #4 Extreme Weather Gear It is very popular for extreme ironers to iron in very cold places to things like winter jackets, hat, gloves, and boots will keep them protected from getting frostbite.

12 #5 Proper Iron It’s important to have an iron that is compatible with the kind of climate that you are ironing in, for example if you are ironing on a mountain you need to use a battery operated iron.

13 #6 Spotter A spotter is needed in extreme ironing because just like any other sport something can go wrong or someone can get hurt so it’s smart to have someone there that the ironer will have immediate help.

14 #7 Experience It’s recommended that if you are just starting extreme ironing to begin on a simple obstacle such as a tree. This is so that you can build up the skill and confidence to iron on climbing walls and such.

15 #8 Scuba Gear (underwater Ironing)
It’s common for extreme ironers to iron underwater and they use scuba diving gear when doing it. The gear is so that they can breath underwater using the oxygen tank.

16 #9 life jacket A life jacket is needed when doing an kind of ironing on or near water. It’s so that if you fall into the water and panic you will not drown.

17 #10 Knowledge When doing extreme ironing you are dealing things that are out of ordinary so you need have knowledge of every place you are ironing in.

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