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Alvin High School September 12, 2018

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1 Alvin High School September 12, 2018
Planning for Graduation in your Junior, Sophomore, and Freshmen Year

2 Counselors and Advanced Academics
We’re here to help you through your years at AHS. Counselors for students with last names starting with the letters: W – B Dani Gilcrease C – F Karen Daly G – J Donna Ruby K – M Ashley Miller N – R Vicki Cleland S – V Ron Fitzwater Special Programs Shannon Geletka Lead Counselor Carlene Leal Advanced Academics Michelle DeLeon ext 6354 ACC Dual Enrollment Advisor Alpha Trevino

3 Graduation Requirements HB5 Foundation + Endorsement Plan
Foundation Plan ELA – 4 credits Math – 3 credits Social Studies – 3 credits Science – 3 credits Language other than English 2 credits Fine Arts – 1 credit Physical Education – 1 credit Electives – 5 credits Including Seniors 2019 only will need .5 credit Comm App Total – 22 credits Endorsements Arts and Humanities Business and Industry Public Service STEM Multidisciplinary Studies Endorsement includes: 1 advanced Math credit 1 advanced Science credit 2 Electives (endorsement specific) TOTAL: 26 credits, including endorsements

4 Graduation Plans Continued
Distinguished Level of Achievement Algebra II Success Foundation curriculum with an endorsement Required for top 10% automatic admission

5 Grade Level Classification
Freshman students are those with less than 6.0 credits regardless of year of entry Sophomores are those students with less than 12 credits who are at least in their second year of high school Juniors are those students with less than 19 credits who are at least in their 3rd year of high school Seniors are those students with 19 or more credits who are at least in their 4th year of high school Students may repeat a grade level based on the number of credits, but cannot be advanced a grade level Grade level classification for the upcoming school year is made at the beginning of each school year including progress made during summer school. Graduating Juniors are those students who are short of having enough credits to be classified as a senior at the beginning of their 4th year. Whenever these students gain 19 or more credits, they will have their grade level changed to 12-SENIOR. Classification is important because it determines how many students are in the top 10% of each class.

6 So what are colleges looking for?
Colleges look at … What courses are offered on our campus What courses did your student take How well did your student do in his/her chosen courses What is the level of investment in campus and community activities including volunteer service hours How is your student going to contribute or enhance their campus environment

7 Grade Point Average Grade points are accumulated each semester based on the semester average in the class Regular on-level courses are set on a 6.0 scale Pre-AP and Dual Enrollment are on a 7.0 scale Advanced Placement (AP) are on a 8.0 scale

8 Grade Point Average Counselors audit transcripts at the end of each semester to verify credits earned and ensure that students are in the correct classes to satisfy their requirements GPA and class rank will be calculated at: 10th grade - end of year 11th grade – after 1st semester and end of year 12th grade – after 1st semester and after 3rd 9 weeks Parents will have access to GPA and rank in Skyward. Hand calculation is tedious but not impossible Assign the grade points using the grade scale in the previous slide for each semester grade Add up all the scaled points Divide by the number of semester classes Example: (Q) = PAP scale 7.0 (D) = Dual credit scale 7.0 (P) = AP scale 8.0 SM SM2 Eng 1 (Q) = = 3.05 Alg = = 2.4 Bio (Q) = = 2.65 AP HuGeo(P) 82 = = 3.55 PE = = 2.95 Sp = = 2.7 Art = = 2.8 Sum of all semester grade points = 39.6 Divide the sum by number of semesters 39.6 / 7= the quotient is carried to 5 digits.

9 Class Rank - Why are GPA and Class Rank important?
Public colleges within the state of Texas (except University of Texas) offer guaranteed admittance to any student who graduates in the top 10% of their class. In accordance with Texas Education Code (TEC), §51.803, a student is eligible for automatic admission to a college or university as an undergraduate student if the applicant earned a grade point average in the top 10 percent of the student's high school graduating class, or the top 6 percent for admission to the University of Texas at Austin, and the applicant: successfully completed the requirements for the Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP) satisfied ACT's College Readiness Benchmarks on the ACT assessment or earned on the SAT assessment a score of at least 1,500 out of 2,400 or the equivalent. In accordance with Title 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC), §5.5(e), high school rank for students seeking automatic admission to a general academic teaching institution on the basis of class rank is determined and reported as follows.   Class rank shall be based on the end of the 11th grade, middle of the 12th grade, or at high school graduation, whichever is most recent at the application deadline. The top 10 percent of a high school class shall not contain more than 10 percent of the total class size. The student's rank shall be reported by the applicant's high school or school district as a specific number out of a specific number total class size. Class rank shall be determined by the school or school district from which the student graduated or is expected to graduate.

10 How do I improve my GPA Course selection is key
Our 6.0 GPA scale allows students to receive weighted grade points for the more academically challenging courses Choosing from advanced courses and doing well in those courses is the best way to improve your student’s GPA Keep in mind a student has to earn credit in the course to benefit from the weighted grade points

11 Course Selection for The course guide for the upcoming year is being finalized now. Course selection for current freshmen and sophomores will start in January. Juniors will conference with their individual counselor to plan for their senior year starting in November and finishing up by Spring Break Parents will be invited to attend these conferences. Please keep in mind that the graduation requirements for certain endorsements will allow your student to graduate from high school, but they may or may not meet the requirements for your chosen college/university or field of study.

12 Course Requests Verifications
After conferences are complete, the counselors will send out course request verification sheets in late April or early May. This will be a the last chance to review your student’s course requests and make any changes without consequence. Approval for these changes will be based on making sure your student is staying on track with chosen endorsement requirements. The results from course request verifications are used to staff the campus needs for the upcoming year. Changes requested after this period are not guaranteed. Changes requested after the verification deadline are granted depending on availability of seats in the replacement course, course prerequisite, graduation requirements, and the ability to align replacement with your student’s endorsement plan.

13 Advanced Academics and Dual Enrollment
Michelle DeLeon is our Advanced Academic Specialist – ext 6354 Works with our students in preparing for the rigor of Pre-AP, AP, and Dual Enrollment courses Acts as a resource for finding tutorial help Provides workshops and resources for parents Alpha Trevino is our Alvin Community College Dual Enrollment Advisor – or Advises students with enrollment at ACC both dual enrollment and full time after graduation Locates resources as dual enrollment students transition to university after high school

14 ACC Dual Enrollment Select courses with high school counselors
Complete ACC Online Application Early Admission Contract Attend Dual Enrollment Orientation Testing Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Assessment SAT ACT Pay for courses and purchase books DC Courses are $ per course, plus $30 registration fee

15 College Admissions Testing
TSI – A (Texas Success Initiative – Assessment) Entrance/placement exam for Junior/Community Colleges and our Dual Enrollment Program Test dates at AHS (TBD) and ACC TSI Registration procedures will be posted in the counseling section of the AHS webpage Alvin High School Our School Counselors TSI/Accuplacer The link to the PAA (Pre Assessment Activity) will also be posted. ACT and SAT- Colleges and Universities Admission Test to sign up for this test

16 ACT - Colleges and Universities Admission Test www. Actstudent
ACT - Colleges and Universities Admission Test to sign up for this test Test Date Registration Deadline Complete Score Release** September 8, 2018 August 10, 2018 September 18 - November 2, 2018 October 27, 2018 September 28, 2018 November 13, January 1, 2019 December 8, 2018 November 2, 2018 December 18, February 1, 2019 February 9, 2019* January 11, 2019 February 20 - April 5, 2019 April 13, 2019 March 8, 2019 April 23 - June 7, 2019 June 8, 2019 May 3, 2019 June 18 - August 2, 2019 July 13, 2019* June 14, 2019 July 23 - August 26, 2019

17 SAT – Colleges and Universities Admission Test www. Collegeboard
SAT – Colleges and Universities Admission Test to sign up for this test SAT TEST DATE REGISTRATION DATE SCORES BACK DATE** Saturday, June 2, 2018 May 3, 2018 July 11, 2018 Saturday, August 25, 2018 July 27, 2018 September 7, 2018 Saturday, October 6, 2018 October 19, 2018 Saturday, November 3, 2018 October 5, 2018 November 16, 2018 Saturday, December 1, 2018 November 2, 2018 December 14, 2018 Saturday, March 9, 2019 February 8, 2019 March 22, 2019 Saturday, May 4, 2019 April 5, 2019 May 17, 2019 Saturday, June 1, 2019 May 3, 2019 July 10, 2019

Alvin ISD will offer practice exams for both SAT and ACT prior to each SAT/ACT administration. Times, locations, and prices are still being finalized. Check the Advanced Academics page of the Alvin High School Website for more information as it becomes available.

19 Counselors and Advanced Academics
If you have any questions, please feel free to call or us. Counselors for students with last names starting with the letters: W – B Dani Gilcrease C – F Karen Daly G – J Donna Ruby K – M Ashley Miller N – R Vicki Cleland S – V Ron Fitzwater Special Programs Shannon Geletka Lead Counselor Carlene Leal Advanced Academics Michelle DeLeon ext 6354 ACC Dual Enrollment Advisor Alpha Trevino

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