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Access2 HR Services Time Management & Organisation Skills.

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2 Access2 HR Services Time Management & Organisation Skills

3 Introductions Dan Jenkins – Access2 HR Services Your Name & Job Role Objectives for the course

4 Course Objectives Identify time management issues Describe the benefits and costs associated with good and poor time management and planning Consider time as a valuable and limited resource Review some helpful techniques to organise yourself and others: Distinguish between proactive and reactive use of time Establish priorities in terms of importance and urgency Examine Efficiency V Effectiveness Delegate effectively Prepare an action plan

5 TIME Is your most precious resource

6 Time Facts Time is a limited resource No-one else has more time than you Your time belongs to you, and you alone choose how to spend it How you spend your time will determine how successful you are Other people will try and steal your time

7 The Value of Time Annual Salary / hours? OR Potential Return on Investment

8 Effective People... … spend their time more effectively.

9 Time Management – The Issues Spend 5 minutes discussing and comparing your pre- course questionnaires: What did you conclude from the pre-course checklist? What are the issues about time that concern you most? Share your feedback

10 Quick Exercise Spend 10 minutes looking at: Benefits to you personally and the business of effective time management Costs of poor time management

11 Organising Tasks Reactive Tasks Proactive Tasks Just keep things moving along. Dont add value Achieve goals and add value

12 Proactive or Reactive? In Consider the list of activities in the handout, and write P or R by each one depending on whether you think they are Proactive or Reactive activities Now use the To Do list to write a list of tasks (no more than 10) that you have to attend to today/this week. Categorise them as P or R.

13 Effectiveness Doing the right thing Efficiency Doing the thing right Do you need to do it?

14 Establishing Priorities Urgent Tasks When to do it? Important Tasks Who should do it and how long should it take?

15 Time Planning Tools Daily / weekly To Do lists Outlook: Calendar / Task organiser Diary PDA / hand-held PC Personal Organiser Other?

16 Time Stealers Interruptions / phone calls Emails Meetings Unforeseen event / crisis Employee absence Managers Others?

17 Handling Interruptions Interrupt them, politely! Stand up Establish a time limit or reschedule Establish an agenda – what do you want to talk about? Be polite and friendly Be assertive about your time, not aggressive Be ruthless with time and gracious with people

18 End of Sample Course Our full courses include use of DVD films, case studies, exercises and group work to facilitate learning. Call us today for more information on 01980 624485 or email us at

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