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Causes of the Civil War.

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1 Causes of the Civil War

2 Missouri Compromise, 1820 Power in the Congress was split between Anti-Slavery (North) and Pro-Slavery (South) Missouri and Maine coming into the Union MI is slave, MA is free BALANCES THE POWER Designed by HENRY CLAY All territories north of the 36,30’ line (southern boundary of MI) would be free, all south would be slave, except that Missouri would be slave.


4 Wilmot Proviso, 1846 Missouri Compromise did not apply to territories gained in the Mexican American War North fears the South will take too much power in the Congress Pennsylvania Rep. David Wilmot proposes slavery be banned in all territories that might become part of the United States

5 Compromise of 1850 Arguments about CA in the Senate cause tension.
Henry Clay proposes a compromise, but John C. Calhoun is against it (South Carolina) Calhoun dies and Congress passes 5 bills based on Clay’s plan

6 Components of the Compromise
California is admitted as a free state Slavery is banned in Washington D.C. Popular Sovereignty is used to decide the issue of slavery in territories of the Mexican Cession Fugitive Slave Act is passed

7 Bleeding Kansas, 1856 Kansas Nebraska Act (1854) REPEALS the Missouri Compromise Passed by Stephen Douglas Would allow popular sovereignty for these states (north of the MC line) Citizens from the Missouri flood into Kansas to try to force slavery by illegally voting (only 3000 Kansans but 8000 votes cast)

8 BK Cont Due to the failed election, two governments existed in Kansas
Violence breaks out between the two groups John Brown (Connecticut) comes to Pottawatomie KS, killing 5 pro-slavery men and boys In the Congress, Sen Charles Sumner of Massachusetts calls out Sen Andrew Butler of S.C. Butler’s Nephew, Sen Preston Brooks, beats Sumner into unconciousness the next day on the Senate floor

9 Harper’s Ferry John Brown continues on his quest to raise an army of abolitionists to stop the pro-slavery group. He and Henry Ward Beecher (a preacher and fellow abolitionist) plan to attack the armory at Harper’s Ferry VA Most of Brown’s group, including his son, are killed in the raid Brown is captured, put on trial, and hung for treason. Become s the martyr for the Anti-slavery movement


11 Issues on Slavery 1854, Republican Party is established (came from the Whig, Free-Soil and Democratic parties) ANTI-SLAVERY Dred Scott Decision Slave sues for his freedom after his former owner moves with him to Missouri Supreme Court denies the suit Shock for northerners and people like Lincoln and Frederick Douglass Lincoln-Douglas debate Both men are running for the Senate Lincoln is against Douglas’ Kansas-Nebraska Act Douglas wins, but now Lincoln is known nationally

12 Election of 1860 (Nov) Senator Abraham Lincoln is the Republican candidate Democrats (in the North and South) cannot determine a candidate… choose two (Stephen Douglas and John Breckenridge) Lincoln receives only 40% of the Popular Vote, but wins the Electoral Vote

13 Secession (Dec 1860) Anger over the election from the Southern states begins the Secession South Carolina meets at Secession Hall in a special convention and leave on December 20th Prior President, James Buchanan, determines the action illegal, as well as Lincoln They are followed by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas The northern states of the South vote against Secession, including Virginia (the western counties leave as they are pro-slavery)

14 Attack on Fort Sumter 6 days after South Carolina secedes, Maj. Robert Anderson of the Union (north) takes troops to occupy Ft. Sumter in South Carolina. 1861, the Confederate government of the South demands Anderson’s withdrawal. He refuses. Lincoln sends supplies to the suffering group. The next day (April 12th, 1861), Confederate troops attack Ft. Sumter The 34 hour battle marks the beginning of the Civil War

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