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Region Training Conference 2018

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1 Region Training Conference 2018
Icebreakers Membership Recruitment by _____________________________ Region Training Conference 2018 Name, Position

2 What are Icebreakers? Icebreakers are activities that get members moving for the meetings. It energizes the atmosphere. Allows for team building, bonding, inclusiveness and overall interaction with others. Important for member recruitment, retention, and strengthening bonds!

3 Hug Fest Audience: Large Setting: Outdoors
Instructions: An individual shouts out a number at a time. Members must hug the number of people that was called out, and then sit down. Once a group sits down members will then introduce themselves. A new number is called, and the process repeats. Members who can’t form a group of the number called are out.

4 True or False Dash Audience: Medium- Large
Setting: Indoors or Outdoors Instructions: Members will gather in the center of the space. One side will be for truth and one side will be for false. The leader will read out a statement (Key Club trivia) and participants have five seconds to run to the correct side. Those who answer incorrectly are eliminated and the rest move on to the next round.

5 Simon Says Audience: Large Setting: Indoors or Outdoors
Instructions: A game that everyone’s familiar with! A designated leader states commands and the audience obeys if “Simon Says” was said before it. If the leader does not say “Simon Says” and members follow the command, they’re out.

6 Speed Dating Audience: Large Setting: Indoors or Outdoors
Instructions: Create two circles, with the same amount of people in each. One circle should be the inner circle, being face-to-face with the outer circle, each member having a partner. The leader will then ask a question for each pair to answer. After 45 seconds, the outer circle will move clockwise to the next person, and then repeats.

7 Catch Me If You Can Audience: Large Setting: Outdoors
Instructions: Players should be paired up. All players divide into two lines (facing in) shoulder to shoulder, with partners facing each other. Participants should be given approximately 30 seconds to look at their partners, taking in all details about the individual. The leader then instructs the two lines to turn and face away from the center. One or both lines has seconds to change something about their appearance (i.e. change a watch to different wrist, unbutton a button, remove a belt, etc.). The change must be discrete, but visible to the partner. The players again turn in to face each other and have 30 seconds to discover the physical changes that have been made.

8 Extreme Rock, Paper, Scissors
Audience: Large Setting: Indoors or Outdoors Instructions: Each member will pair up with someone to play a short game of rock, paper, scissors. Whoever wins 2 out of 3 games will move on to play other winners, and the loser will follow the winner around and cheer them on. Repeat this process until there are only two players left (which should result in a face-off.) The game is over after one player wins the final match.

9 Poncho Audience: Extra Large Setting: Indoors or Outdoors
Instructions: Divide the group into 4 equal groups, numbering each group. Every group will have a leader and the leader is in charge of creating a dance move for their group. Groups will take turns doing their move and proceeding to call out another group. Every round the dance move has to change. If a group is unable to create a new dance move or caught off guard, they are eliminated and joins the group who defeats them. Example: Poncho 1 is doing their dance move and they will say “Poncho 1 (x3) to the Poncho 3”. Poncho 3 will then proceed to do their dance move etc.

10 Just a few tips! Stop the icebreaker when members are having the most fun! You want them to remember times of fun, not moments when interest is lost. Prizes are great sources of motivation. Encourage members to break out of their shells and meet new people! Don’t take too much time!

11 Questions? Comments? Concerns?

12 Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. Cody Pinzon, Division 22 Makai Lt. Governor, Daniel Park, Division 16 South Lt. Governor, Katherine Luza, Division 13 South Lt. Governor, Christopher Kao, Membership Development & Education Chair,

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