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Why does Earth have different biomes?

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Presentation on theme: "Why does Earth have different biomes?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why does Earth have different biomes?
Climate determines the distribution of biomes The Earth’s global climate patterns are determined by the input of solar energy and the planet’s movement in space Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students may confuse the terms ecology and environmentalism. The science of ecology and the environmental issues that it often raises are related but distinct processes. Teaching Tips 1. Module 34.5 discusses the reasons why Earth’s tilt causes seasons. Consider challenging your students, perhaps as a short in-class activity, to explain why it is typically cooler (a) further away from the equator, and (b) during the winter months. Although you may not want to use class time on this activity every year, collecting student responses before your students read or learn about this in class can reveal misconceptions and areas of misunderstanding that will help direct your teaching for years to come. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

2 Why does Earth have different biomes?
Solar radiation varies with latitude—north and south Most climatic variations are due to the uneven heating of Earth’s surface Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students may confuse the terms ecology and environmentalism. The science of ecology and the environmental issues that it often raises are related but distinct processes. Teaching Tips 1. Module 34.5 discusses the reasons why Earth’s tilt causes seasons. Consider challenging your students, perhaps as a short in-class activity, to explain why it is typically cooler (a) further away from the equator, and (b) during the winter months. Although you may not want to use class time on this activity every year, collecting student responses before your students read or learn about this in class can reveal misconceptions and areas of misunderstanding that will help direct your teaching for years to come. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

3 North Pole 60°N Low angle of incoming sunlight 30°N Tropic of Cancer
Sunlight strikes most directly 0° (equator) Tropic of Capricorn 30°S Figure 34.5A How solar radiation varies with latitude. Low angle of incoming sunlight 60°S South Pole Atmosphere

4 Why does Earth have different biomes?
The Earth’s tilt causes the seasons The seasons of the year result from the permanent tilt of the plant on its axis as it orbits the sun Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students may confuse the terms ecology and environmentalism. The science of ecology and the environmental issues that it often raises are related but distinct processes. Teaching Tips 1. Module 34.5 discusses the reasons why Earth’s tilt causes seasons. Consider challenging your students, perhaps as a short in-class activity, to explain why it is typically cooler (a) further away from the equator, and (b) during the winter months. Although you may not want to use class time on this activity every year, collecting student responses before your students read or learn about this in class can reveal misconceptions and areas of misunderstanding that will help direct your teaching for years to come. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

5 March equinox (equator faces June solstice sun directly) (Northern
Hemisphere tilts toward sun) Constant tilt of 23.5° Figure 34.5B How Earth’s tilt causes the seasons. December solstice (Northern Hemisphere tilts away from sun) September equinox

6 Temperate broadleaf forest Polar ice Desert Coniferous forest
Arctic circle 60°N 30°N Tropic of Cancer Equator Tropic of Capricorn 30°S Figure 34.8 Major terrestrial biomes. Tropical forest Temperate grassland High mountains Savanna Temperate broadleaf forest Polar ice Desert Coniferous forest Chaparral Tundra

7 Desert Figure Desert.

8 Savanna Figure Savanna.

9 Chaparral Figure Chaparral.

10 Tropical Rainforest Figure 34.9 Tropical rain forest.

11 Temperate Grassland Figure Temperate grassland.

12 Coniferous Forest (Tiaga)
Figure Coniferous forest.

13 Temperate Deciduous Forest
Figure Temperate broadleaf forest.

14 Tundra

15 What connects all of Earth’s biomes?

16 The Water Cycle Solar heat Net movement of water vapor by wind
over the land Water vapor over the sea Precipitation over the land Precipitation over the sea Evaporation from the sea Evaporation and transpiration Oceans Figure The global water cycle. Surface water and groundwater Flow of water from land to sea

17 The Water Cycle Figure The global water cycle.

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