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Daily Oral Language Week 2

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1 Daily Oral Language Week 2
The Book of Jonah Daily Oral Language Week 2

2 Sentence 1 Underline the verb. Circle the direct object.
my god snatched me from the jaws of death said jonah. i will offer sacrifices to you

3 Sentence 2 Underline the verb. Circle the direct object.
this time jonah obeyed gods command. jonah entered the city of nineveh

4 Sentence 3 Underline the verb. Circle the direct object.
you may not eat bread and meet. the people of nineveh believed god message

5 Sentence 4 Underline the verbs.
jonah learned a lesson. he learned well from his time in the whale

6 Sentence 5 Circle helping verbs. Double underline linking verbs.
jonah was imprisoned in the whale. he was a prisoner in the deep see

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