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8.19.2013 Polygons.

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Presentation on theme: "8.19.2013 Polygons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polygons

2 Do Now Draw vertical angles ABC and DBE
Draw complementary angles ∠A and ∠B with m∠A = 40° Draw vertical angles ABC and DBE What do the makings on these lines mean?

3 Objective and Agenda Objective I can create geometric definitions in writing of different polygons. Agenda Quiz (15) I Writing angle definitions and examples (25) I/C Practice with polygon vocabulary (10) group

4 Take your time and be thoughtful!
Quiz Take your time and be thoughtful!

5 Define the following: Vertical Angles Linear Angles
Define the following: Vertical Angles Linear Angles Complementary Angles Supplementary Angles

6 Parallel lines are lines in the the same plane that never meet
Parallel lines are lines in the the same plane that never meet. How do we show parallel Lines? Perpendicular lines are lines that meet at 90° angles. How do we show perpendicular lines?

7 Polygons A polygon is a closed figure in a plane, formed by connecting line segments endpoint to endpoint with each segment intersecting exactly two others. Each endpoint where the sides meet is called a vertex of the polygon.

8 Is it a polygon?

9 Familiar Polygons 3 – Triangle 4 – Quadrilateral 5 – Pentagon 6 – Hexagon 7 – Heptagon 8 – Octagon n – n-gon

10 Convex vs. Concave Polygons A diagonal of a polygon is a line segment that connects two nonconsecutive vertices. A polygon is convex if no diagonal is outside the polygon. A polygon is concave if at least one diagonal is outside the polygon. You probably need some examples.

11 Congruent Polygons Two polygons are congruent polygons if and only if they are exactly the same size and shape.

12 Equilateral, Equiangular, and Regular Polygons.
In an equilateral polygon, all the sides have equal length. In an equiangular polygon, all the angles have equal measure. A regular polygon is both equilateral and equiangular.

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