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Joseph Stalin The Red Terror.

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Presentation on theme: "Joseph Stalin The Red Terror."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joseph Stalin The Red Terror

2 Joseph Stalin Rules Russia 1928 – 1953 Stalin means “MAN OF STEEL”
Rules Russia 1928 – 1953 Stalin means “MAN OF STEEL” He was a rough and crude person Considered ruthless

3 Stalin’s Road to Power Lenin Dies in 1924 and a power Struggle develops between Joseph Stalin versus Leon Trotsky The outcome of this power struggle would dictate the future course of the Soviet Union Leon Trotsky Joseph Stalin

4 General Secretary 1922- Stalin was General Secretary of the Communist Party This position allowed him to: appoint people he favored to powerful positions remove people he did not like Slowly Stalin built up a power structure of loyal supporters

5 Joseph Stalin By 1928 Stalin had established total control of Communist Party Lenin and Trotsky had promoted worldwide revolution Stalin said “socialism in one country”

6 Totalitarianism Stalin transforms Russia into a Totalitarian State
Definition: A Central Government takes control over every aspect of public and private life Stalin transforms Russia into a Totalitarian State

7 Life in Totalitarian States
We are all perfectly happy!

8 Totalitarian Leaders

9 Lenin responds to Stalin
Primary Source Reading: Testament Written in 1922

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