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SIMCODE-DS PI: Marco Baldi

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1 SIMCODE-DS PI: Marco Baldi (
Presenter: Matteo Nori Physics and Astronomy Department Bologna University

2 Simulations for Precision Cosmology
We are about to enter the epoch of “Precision Cosmology” (testing the cosmological model at ~1% precision) In the next decade, costly space missions such as the Euclid satellite will map the Universe with unprecedented accuracy Precision Cosmology NEEDS large computer simulations: cDE-CDM f(R) gravity fNL(k) mν ≠ 0 Last decade: Planck Next decade: Euclid ΛCDM

3 We need large storage facilities!
In the next few years we will need to develop simulations with more than a trillion (i.e. 1012!!!) particles: Euclid Full Scale Runs One snapshot of a Euclid Full Scale simulation: ~ TB The complete simulation: a few PB Data can have a variety of formats, including HDF5 and FITS Data should be used for scientific exploitation by a broad community and for an extended period of time (~5-10 yrs) PROBLEMS: - Where to preserve such big data for such a long time? - How to distribute/transfer/manage efficiently these data? - How to allow a full scientific exploitation of the simulations? NEED of a dedicated infrastructure with cutting-edge technologies!

4 The SIMCODE project SIMCODE is a computational cosmology project funded by the Italian government through the High-Qualification programme SIR with a 1/2 Million Euro grant for a period of 3 years. SIMCODE will perform large cosmological simulations and investigate their observational footprints. SIMCODE therefore represents an intermediate step towards the development of pipelines and tools that will be employed in a few years for the next generation of simulations. The present SIMCODE-DS (Data Storage) pilot aims at testing possible strategies and tools for data preservation and distribution in view of these long term needs of the computational cosmology community.

5 The SIMCODE work flow Data Sharing and distribution Level 0: raw data
(within the collaboration) Level 1: processed data (external collaborators) Level 3: science-ready data (anyone) Data production Large HPC facilities Long-term data storage EUDAT facilities raw data: snapshots processed data: maps and catalogs Data Analysis & Benchmarking access raw data Additional data analysis data subset recover

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