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Gerald Mugabi, Head of Procurement

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1 Gerald Mugabi, Head of Procurement
Technological Innovation in Public Procurement - a case for NSSF Uganda Gerald Mugabi, Head of Procurement

2 Background Technology is quickly reshaping every aspect of the way we do business It is a catalyst for change as well as an enabler across regions, organizations, social networks and the procurement is no exception In Africa, South Africa, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Ghana and Kenya have made progress in use of E-procurement In Uganda, we are soon concluding the deal with the vendor, some organizations have started automating their procurement processes, among them is NSSF Uganda

3 Procurement & Business Strategy
Innovations NSSF Strategic Objectives PERFORMANCE MESURES (TIME, COST,QUALITY) PROCESS AUTOMATION Strategic Initiatives Annual Budget Procurement Plan ’Despite the importance of the public procurement market, little effort has been made to systematically and consistently collect reliable statics’’… World Bank Report 2017

4 Efficiency on the other hand is the ability for the procurement system to produce desired results without wastage. Effectiveness of the procurement process is its ability to consistently deliver results wanted and in line with the strategic objectives of the business or Govt. Technological innovations improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public procurement system.

5 The past The procurement data was scattered, erratic, less analyzed
Approvers were backdating documents and it was hard to trace source of delays and process TAT Very hectic audits, due to massive use of hard copies Accurate reporting, both qualitatively and quantitatively (based on statistics) was a dream

6 The Manual System: 2014 Procurement Budget monitoring was manual and complex Delays in the procurement process was common; shifting blames was the order of the day End users could not track progress of their procurement requirements It required weekly updates to the Accounting Officer on progress of strategic projects Published by PPDA as Unsatisfactory entity in 2014

7 Efficiency Initiatives
Designed the system to eliminate un necessary processes Measurement of time taken to take action, Allowed delegation of authority by approvers in the system Measure departmental performance Allow Process visibility end to end by end users Ease access to information for decision making Online notifications to prompt action and escalation in case of delayed action Allow Data analytics in order to aggregate, process heterogeneous sources data into simple dashboards

8 Results Reduced cycle time,.. allowed remote decisions and quick approval Procurement data utilization….big data analytics Eased reporting and reduces human errors Budget Control, monitoring and Risk management was eased Reduced time wastage-turning around papers- Increases staff productivity Eased Audit tracking, easy to identify process ‘black spots’ Eased data retrieval Increased end user satisfaction –Derived satisfaction from Stakeholders engagement, satisfaction Increased process visibility and transparency Increased Staff productivity…

9 Eased Data Analytics: ABC Model
Category Management-ABC Model Classification No. Value (Bln Shs) %ge A 31 214.5 94.7 B 88 11.5 5.1 C 120 0.5 0.2 Total 239 226.5 100.0 WHAT TAKES YOUR TIME SHOULD BE WORTH IT


11 Over the past three years, we’ve recorded a tremendous performance improvement in the procurement process. This has been attributed to three major Initiatives: 1) Focused on Increasing efficiency and effectiveness of the procurement processes 2) Increase accuracy of data, automat reports 3) Increase end user confidence and process visibility- through process tracking and automatic notifications on progress 90.2% 56%

12 FUTURE PLANS – icloud. Remote access NSSF SERVER NSSF DB DB- Database Mobile Approvals & Notifications


14 Lessons learnt Automation is an enabler, its effectiveness depend on design input- The system will do what you command it to do E-procurement initiatives should be aligned to the strategic objective of the nation or organization. And in any case it should reduce the costs, time and ensure quality deliveries Uptime for internet connectivity is essential for system success It takes time to get confidence in electronic system in Africa. Security of the system should be prioritized Usually there are gaps between expected results and realized benefits –change management should address the gaps

15 Lessons…. Successful innovation in IT depends on whether
the existing policies (laws), Management philosophy are synchronized with strategic objective Mg’t Policy Technology The Vision of EAC is to attain a prosperous, competitive, secure & Politically united EA-One People one Destination

16 Conclusion Technological innovations are catalysts to enhance procurement productivity. A well designed E- Procurement solution should promote efficiency, effectiveness and output. This should be through reduced turnaround time, access to data, easy monitoring of projects and enhanced transparency. To realize the benefits, it is necessary to harmonies the strategic goals of the organization or Gov’t, policies and management philosophy. Digitalization requires developing new value propositions, meeting new Govt or organizational needs. The people we serve are desperately looking for delivery of service. The opportunities of the global digital revolution should enable us serve the people of East Africa better and prosper our economies.


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