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Why is make-up threatening tigers in India?

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Presentation on theme: "Why is make-up threatening tigers in India?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why is make-up threatening tigers in India?

2 True or false ? Conservationists are people who like to talk and chat with other people. RSPB stands for the Royal Society for the Protection of badgers. The Forestry Commission is interested in protecting tropical rainforests abroad. Extinct means that there are no more of a species still living. Giant pandas, tigers, orchids and rhinos are all endangered species. On average every person in the UK throws away their own body weight in rubbish every 7 weeks. In less than 2 hours the UK produces enough waste to fill the Albert Hall Rubbish collection and keeping our streets clean costs council tax payers about £1.6 billion per year

3 Discussion time… Who uses make-up? Who uses deodorant?
Who uses baby powder? Have you ever thought about how these products are made?

4 Mystery ? Why is make-up threatening the tigers in India?
Read the mystery cards carefully. Sort the cards into two columns: Most relevant to Background the main question information

5 Debrief – time to give feedback to the class
What is the key ingredient in cosmetics? Where does it come from? What is the connection between cosmetics and tigers? Explain the link – use evidence from the cards. Does this affect us? Should we be concerned? Use this information from the discussion to answer the mystery question – ‘Why is make-up threatening the tigers in India?’ Remember to also use evidence from the mystery cards.

6 Plenary Three ways people could help to save endangered species are…………………………………………………………………………

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