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Prometheus The Fire-Bringer.

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1 Prometheus The Fire-Bringer

2 Terms to know Four stage pattern of attitudes and behavior typical of Greek myths: Areté: excellence (renowned leadership, unusual cleverness, tremendous strength, great skill in battle) Hubris: excessive pride that comes from one’s areté Atë: blind recklessness; overstepping boundaries and committing rash acts Nemesis: a form of retribution that results in personal tragedy; just punishment for those who succumb to atë. **Both Prometheus and Zeus go through this pattern in the myth. **

3 Example Areté: John has always had a high metabolism. Hubris: John thinks he can eat anything without worrying about gaining weight. Atë: John eats an entire bag of Double- Stuffed Oreos every day for three months. Nemesis: John, much to his surprise but no one else’s, packs on 15 lbs and has to spend his monthly Oreo allotment on larger clothes.

4 Example: Areté: Julie is the MVP on her high school basketball team. She averages 20 points per game. Hubris: Julie feels she is far better than her teammates, and only she can lead the team to victory. Atë: Julie begins to refuse to pass the ball to her teammates, even when she is surrounded by players from the other team. Nemesis: Julie soon leads the team in turn overs, and she loses her chances at receiving an athletic scholarship to UW-Madison.

5 In groups of 2-3 (10 minutes)
Come up with a real-world example of the four stage pattern. Be original.

6 Prometheus Name means “forethought”– How is it ironic?
Story of how mankind acquired fire and essential skills to survive Prometheus, a Titan, sacrificed himself in order to benefit mankind How does he follow the four-stage pattern?


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